I’m having fun, are you having fun?

Close your eyes and think back … before kids, before marriage, before now…  What did you used to do for fun? No peaking! When I close my eyes I see myself poolside, a trashy summer read in one hand and a icy fruity drink in another. In those days there …

My highlights for the year?

Champagne Liz at Living With Kids has asked for my highlights of 2009. So here goes…

1. Obama's inauguration. I was four when Neil Armstrong first set his human foot on the moon, and I clearly remember that day. I hope my daughter's remember where they were on 20th January 2009.

2. Our summer holidays. Spending six weeks with my parents in California was wonderful. The girls swam everyday in an OUTDOOR swimming pool. There was sun. Every day.

My favourite posts of 2009

BestThe end of the year is a time to reflect; 365 days, 600 packed lunches, 183 blog posts. Here's a list of some of my favourites…

1. The dry spell: Have you ever had one? Come on, admit it. I'm sure you have…

2. I woke up one morning and realised: OHMYGOD — I'm Scottish.

3. The fleeting moment … or just mummy rot? Someone told me once that you lose 10 percent of your brain cells with the birth of each child. I had three in quick succession, you do the math.

Track Santa’s journey online

  Our girls will keep tabs on Santa’s journey tonight on NORAD’s Santa Tracker. This organisation has tracked Santa’s Christmas Eve movements since 1955. The site is perfect for children that are not quite sure Santa exists — it contains “official” news reports and videos. Also fun for believers to watch Santa and his sleigh move across the globe (shhh …

When life gives you snow, make snow ice cream!

It DUMPED snow in the Thames Valley yesterday. I got stuck with the girls for THREE HOURS, and finally abandoned the car and walked two miles home. So what do you do when life give you snow? Make snow ice cream of course! Ingredients: 250 ml (1 cup) milk 125 ml …

A winter garden

Garden fountain 
It snowed in the Thames Valley yesterday. The flakes dissapeared as quickly as they came, but not before I had a chance to go into the garden and take some pics.

The fairest princess of them all?

Disclosure: I received free tickets to see this film.

Princess and the frog Sorry, I had to borrow that headline from a review in The Times. It was too good to ignore.

Sunday we dragged ourselves into London to see an advance screening of The Princess and the Frog, Disney's newest 2D animation film that caused a mountain of controversy and speculation during its three years in the making.

Why? It's Disney's first black princess fairytale. African Americans have been waiting for this for 86 years. Oprah was consulted. The internet ranted. Disney took all into consideration.

A Giant Panto Production: Oxford’s Jack and the Beanstalk

  To be honest, I wasn’t particularly looking forward to reviewing a Pantomime. I fully understand that they are huge part of British culture. My husband remembers being taken to them when he was small, having an ice-cream and shouting “It’s behind you” at the top of his lungs. I’ve …