The end of the year is a time to reflect; 365 days, 600 packed lunches, 183 blog posts. Here's a list of some of my favourites…
1. The dry spell: Have you ever had one? Come on, admit it. I'm sure you have…
2. I woke up one morning and realised: OHMYGOD — I'm Scottish.
3. The fleeting moment … or just mummy rot? Someone told me once that you lose 10 percent of your brain cells with the birth of each child. I had three in quick succession, you do the math.
4.Did I hear right? You relax honey — I'll do the washing up. Yeah, right, I knew it was too good to be true.
5. And another thing (!) Another rant. I'm very good at these.
6. I wrote this post after spending the summer in the US trying to figure out the hostile attitude towards government run health care: Hey America, socialised medicine is not that bad. Really.
7. Tired of making cakes for the PTA cake sale? Me too. The standards are slipping.
8. Ever wonder who you are at the school gate? The PTA isn't talking to me after this one.
9. Part of my "Dear PR Person" series, this post is a rant that has been in the making for many, many years. My name is Susanna, not Suzanne, not Susie and certainly not Sue.
10. This one felt so good to write: Attention PR, how to engage with a mummy blogger.
11. Anyone else obsessed with the past? My obsession and the 1911 census.
12. It happens more than you think: Should teachers yell in the classroom?
13. Football: where are all the girls? My daughter plays football. It seems like no one else's does.
14. Do our actions influence the little ones? How are you coping with spider season?
5. What I loved about this post was the comments — they read like a confessional… There's something funny in the toilet mummy.
Photo credit: Arlo Bates
Frog in the Field | 31st Dec 09
Excellent Susanna, so much great stuff here.
Happy New Year
nixdminx | 30th Dec 09
I am feeling far too lazy to do this right now but glad to see your top picks. Hope you got home ok from Miley – the boat was pretty quicky, I have some amazing photos, happy new year dolly !! xx
Baking Mad Mama | 30th Dec 09
I love the school gate post! My boy isn’t at school yet but I’m sure this lot will be ready and waiting at the gates with me (of course, I will be taking on the new role of “Dress Tucked Into Pants/Made Of Fail Mum”.) Thanks for so many great posts.
TooManyHats | 29th Dec 09
Congrats on a wonderful blogging year. I look forward to more in 2010.
Liz (LivingwithKids) | 29th Dec 09
I have quite a few favourites on this list – but with 6, 8, 9 and 10 you were definitely on a roll! x
Stigmum | 29th Dec 09
Wow! Congratulations!! Like Rosie said BIG JOB!!! Thank you very much for doing this!
A Modern Mother | 29th Dec 09
Yes, absolutely ages
I’m on a bit of a break right now and this seemed like the easiest thing to do!
Rosie Scribble | 29th Dec 09
Ooh, I like the look of this post. I’m tempted to do one myself but I can tell it obviously took you ages to put it together – a bit like a mini-carnival!