The standards are slipping…

I could feel the murmur making its way down the reception queue this morning, the more keen mums reminding the late comers.

“Don’t forget, cake sale day today.”

Ah, cake sale day. The day we all dash down to Waitrose and spend at least £6 on essentials like cake mix, butter, icing sugar, smarties, and other decorations. Then we go home and spend half the morning slaving in the kitchen baking fairy cakes. We spend the other half of the morning washing up. The afternoon is filled with the task of decorating the 24 fairy cakes that will sell for 25p each, bringing in a grand total of £6 to the PTA coffers…

I decided this morning I really didn’t have time for all that, and went to Tesco and bought 16 donuts (on sale).

As I said, the standards are slipping…


  1. Tricia | 28th May 09

    Oh I want some of those yummy donuts but I must resist. Good thing bake sale was not in my neighborhood. lol

  2. Karin | 26th May 09

    I miss American doughnuts. Krispy Kreme is suitable solace though. Well done you for letting standards slip…everyone needs a doughnut a day anyway.

  3. working mum | 25th May 09

    I love baking, but even I can’t make cakes for what they sell them for in Tesco so it makes financial sense to buy them. Haven’t been accosted for cake sales at school yet, but I know it’s coming.

  4. Laura McIntyre | 24th May 09

    Mmm they look yummy.
    Sadly i think i would do the same, well what would happen would be spend the money and bake the cakes only for them to turn out terribly and go by some. Twice the price really.

  5. Di Foden | 24th May 09

    God, I’d kill for a doughnut. They are a bit thin on the ground in Mallorca.
    Thank you for highlighting my blog this week. I’m staggered, not to say absolutely delighted. You’ve made an old woman very happy.

  6. clareybabble | 24th May 09

    I know what you mean, you slave over a cake and they sell it for a couple of quid! But the doughnuts look yummy anyway and it’s the money raised that counts!

  7. Natalie | 23rd May 09

    Two words – Betty Crocker. Very speedy way to cheat…not that I’ve done it before…Ok just once. I’ve tried Tesco donuts and agree that they look better than they taste. Waitrose is always a dead cert. Oh and M&S have boxes of cupcakes. Hmm, I eat too much cake…

  8. A Modern Mother | 23rd May 09

    Rosie — I don’t know why it has taken so long for me to figure this one out.
    Perfectly Happy– Tricked you too.
    Zoo- those would be great for recycle week!
    Expat– Those crazy Americans!;-)
    BinB — Yes, organisation seems to be lacking these days.

  9. Brit In Bosnia | 23rd May 09

    Love it. So much less stressful. Particularly when you (and always me) are not one of the organised mothers at the front of the queue!

  10. Expat Mum | 23rd May 09

    At the “bake sales” over here, as long as you make a profit, nobody cares. In fact, because of all the allergies, if you can show the label with proof of the ingredients, all the better!

  11. zooarchaeologist | 22nd May 09

    brilliant idea, will use that one myself when the need arises 🙂
    Shame you cant buy fake ones that look real, then buy them all back again and recycle them the following 8 years or so. Healthy, cheap and a way of donating money after the initial outlay…

  12. Perfectly Happy Mum | 22nd May 09

    Oh they look YUMMY!!!

  13. Rosie Scribble | 22nd May 09

    Sensible decision. I’d have done the same (and in fact have on many occasions!)

  14. A Modern Mother | 22nd May 09

    Iota — Ggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
    Liz — I thought I already was you
    Potty — I forgot to add that then I spend another £2 buying my own cakes back!

  15. Potty Mummy | 22nd May 09

    Life’s too short to stuff a mushroom (as Shirly Conran once said). Also? I would probably just eat what I baked and end up donating the cash twice…

  16. Liz@VioletPosy | 22nd May 09

    No, you have become me 🙂

  17. Iota | 22nd May 09

    Fundraising at its finest!

  18. A Modern Mother | 22nd May 09

    Lisa — unfortunately they look better than they taste!
    Pignet — exactly!

  19. Pinget | 22nd May 09

    Why not just donate the money directly? That’s what I’ve been doing instead of fundraisers at my kids’ schools. Who needs the hassle?

  20. Lisa | 22nd May 09

    oh YUM!!! Those look delicious, even for being on sale LOL.

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