I think I’m turning Scottish. It’s true. Been sleeping too long next to a Scot and it’s rubbing off.
Consider this, today I suggested a venue for lunch based on a voucher. My friend wanted to go to a restaurant that unfortunately didn’t have a 2-for-1 coupon, and sensing my frugality, she offered to pay my way. I wasn’t even embarrassed.
Last weekend, when temperatures dipped below freezing and winds were high and knocking down trees, I caught myself reassuring our eldest “but at least it’s dry.”
I have a drawer full of 2nd class postage stamps. I got them on sale mail order.
I rescued my 80s tartan skirt from the attic and am considering wearing it without tights.
In the sunlight my brown hair has beautiful highlights. They’re definitely red.
Get in mah belly, Irn Bru, Och aye the noo!
At playgroup last week, I called a little Polish girl “wee lassie.”
I had a complete cow when a call centre operator in India mistakenly called me English. Poor lad. I’m sure his ears have recovered by now.
I can’t think of anything that wasn’t invented by a Scot.
I just don’t get why people can’t understand my accent.
A shot of Scotch now goes down surprisingly easily. And quickly.
So, ladies, what shall I do? It might not be too late if I act now…
Catriona Takeuchi | 28th Mar 10
Go with it! I’m half scottish and although that means a lot of wasted time spelling my name for people who aren’t listening, when I’m in scotland or with my Scottish rellys I feel all warm and fuzzy. 😉
laurie | 16th Feb 09
many things worse than being scottish. that accent alone is enough to make me melt.
auntiegwen | 14th Feb 09
I really am Scottish but go completely the other way. I am terrified to use money off coupons etc as people will think I’m mean. I’m always the one who insists on paying x
Almost Mrs Average | 14th Feb 09
…and while you’re at it, don’t forget to find your’sen a wee castle. xx
Homeofficemum | 13th Feb 09
You’ll be pleased to know that a very good friend of mine is one of the Barr children, as in Barr’s Irn Bru. I’m sure I could get you some in bulk supply. Actually, hang on, they’re Scottish. You’ll get nothing for free.
jenny smith | 13th Feb 09
hate to say this but it sounds way too late. Just wrap up warm and be proud of your ancestory and clan tartan and that . xxx
Just a Plane Ride Away | 13th Feb 09
LOL! Especially the 80s tartan skirt. I had a few of those too. Where are they now?!
Treemama | 13th Feb 09
congratulations, the Scotsman must be thrilled!
Lisa M | 12th Feb 09
hahaha “wee lassie” now THAT definitely marks you as a Scot 🙂
TooManyHats | 12th Feb 09
Coming here is like a social studies lesson – I have learned so much about the Scots I never knew 🙂
Iota | 12th Feb 09
Invent something.
Joanne | 12th Feb 09
I had to laugh at the “at least it’s dry” comment – that’s exactly what I told my children last week when they were complaining about it being cold. I’m of Irish stock, grew up saying all sorts of things that my English friends couldn’t understand, and am married to a South African! It makes for very entertaining anecdotes round a braai with a few brews….. (oh, and there are LOTS of worse things you could be than Scottish !!)
More than Just a Mother | 12th Feb 09
I loved this post! Congratulations on finding your nationality 😉
Mud | 12th Feb 09
Not to mention men in kilts. Yum!
Working Mum | 11th Feb 09
Embrace your Scotsness (is that a word?) and forget haggis; Aberdeen Angus beef and Scottish raspberries. Heaven!
Antonella | 11th Feb 09
Be proud! All over Europe we love Scots! And then in these recession times being a bit thrifty is always a good idea! Ciao. A.
Mama Zen | 11th Feb 09
Embrace and enjoy!
Thatgirl39 | 11th Feb 09
Well.. if you’re Scottish you’re gonna have to eat Haggis… and we all know that ain’t gonna happen!
SingleParentDad | 11th Feb 09
Yes, but do you have a healthy distain for all things English yet?
Beta Mum | 11th Feb 09
Get snacking on the haggis.
I am part Scottish, from way back when. The ginger hair gene has emerged in my son, and he likes to wear it long. Perhaps when he’s old and hairy he can toss a few cabers?
Laura | 11th Feb 09
Sit down in front of Braveheart this evening in your kilt and embrace it.
I am half Scottish and braveheart always warms my cockles .. or should that be haggis?
Tammy | 11th Feb 09
Hey, embrace it. There are worse things!!!!
Lis of the North | 11th Feb 09
Revel in it. Almost anywhere you go (outside of England), locals are far more friendly towards a Scot than an Englisher. I’m only a tiny fraction Scottish in my genes, but I grew up there and am quite insistent when meeting new people that I come from Scotland. It confers a certain ‘diplomatic immunity’, as it were.
Of course, your accent may just give you away…