This morning an idea popped into my head. It was a fabulous, marvelous, ingenious idea.
I thought about it all the way home from school drop off. I started to get excited. Really excited. This idea would change my life.
It rolled round and round in my head. Then it started bouncing of the pavement, the houses, the trees, the lamposts and then went back into my head, crystallising, getting clearer, bigger, grander.
Yes, this was it. It would change my life, this idea. Why hadn't I thought of it before? My pace quickened. I couldn't wait to put my idea into action.
Then somewhere between sorting out the pile of mail on the landing, clearing up the cheerios stuck to the pine breakfast table and revelling in the freedom of going to the loo without a child velcroed to my leg, I lost it. It was like fog evaporating on an autumn morning. Gone. Just like that, my grand idea was gone.
Maybe if I thought hard enough it might come back to me. What was I going to do? Damn. Damn, damn. I can't remember.
Oh well, it musn't have been important.
Guess I'll fold the laundry.
Photo credit: jjay
Sunday Link Love | 23rd Feb 14
[…] A Modern Mother on something that happens to all us Mummy’s and it made me laugh […]
Liam Neeson | 26th Sep 11
What an excellent blog! I am rather surprised on how you manage to hold it all together. And whilst am at it: thank you for the great work and creating such a wonderful platform for all of us. May the ideas flow!!
Camarad | 26th Aug 11
Thank you! I have to put stuff into my iphone the minute it pops in my brain otherwise it disappears into the clouds.
ebook library | 16th Apr 11
A great post, thanks for taking the time to share, continued success to your site in the future! GOOD Work!!
pirates 4 | 11th Apr 11
Hee hee – I have my best ideas in the shower. Then they disappear down the plughole with the water as soon as I’ve done
karambo | 6th Oct 09
Thanks for posting this valuable information.
dinara | 17th Apr 09
I also forget some important things, but try not to concentrate on them. Remember the film “secret” ( )? Positive and only positive thinking… 😉
Nick | Mom Most Traveled | 18th Mar 09
Yes, yes, yes. I know exactly what you mean though I would like to add one element. I forget many ideas and the ones I remember I too tired to carry through with.
Metropolitan Mum | 17th Mar 09
You seem to have a lot on your plate – your blog, British Mummy Bloggers, carnivals, your family, laundry… I am rather surprised on how you manage to hold it all together. And whilst am at it: thank you for the great work and creating such a wonderful platform for all of us. May the ideas flow!!
Almost Mrs Average | 17th Mar 09
Hee hee – I have my best ideas in the shower. Then they disappear down the plughole with the water as soon as I’ve done! 😀
Susanna (A Modern Mother) | 16th Mar 09
Thanks all for your concern. I never found my idea again. Still trying though, will probably come back to me sometime when I won’t have a notepad with me…
Scary Mommy | 8th Mar 09
Oh, I have so been there and done that. Terrible, isn’t it?!!
Just a Plane Ride Away | 8th Mar 09
Don’t you hate it when this happens?! *Sigh*
Thatgirl39 | 7th Mar 09
I have to put stuff into my iphone the minute it pops in my brain otherwise it disappears into the clouds. And sometimes the only time I get an idea is when I’m matching up socks! I totally get where you’re coming from!
TooManyHats | 7th Mar 09
You still get ideas, I am jealous. I think mommy rot has completely fogged my brain in.
Bee | 7th Mar 09
I was getting all excited about that idea . . . and didn’t anticipate the “punch line” at all.
If it was THAT good it will come back!
Zerilda The Superfluous Blogger | 7th Mar 09
This happens to me repeatedly, despite the fact that I have put a small notebook in every jacket, coat, and bag I own AND I have a smartphone.
The problem is, the owner of the smartphone isn’t all that smart. dang.
Felicia - I Complete Me | 6th Mar 09
I so know how you feel. This has happened to me a few times. But I do get that idea back so it was important.
More than Just a Mother | 6th Mar 09
You poor thing – sounds like you need a holiday 🙂
(Iota – PMSL!)
Iota | 6th Mar 09
Maybe it WAS folding the laundry. That sometimes feels like a big project.
Laura McIntyre | 6th Mar 09
Oh im glad im not the only one, the mind is such a fickle thing. Heck at least you got the laundry done
jenny smith | 6th Mar 09
I’m very wary of ideas. My friend is full of ’em. and usually i come out of it worse.
just enjoy life sweetie, i’m sure it;ll come back to you xxxxx
Antonella | 6th Mar 09
I love the way you put down in words so well something that a lot of us have probably experienced many times! Lovely image of the idea bouncing on the pavement etc. Ciao. A.
Mothership | 6th Mar 09
This is so familiar and terrible that I have to go and lie down
Courtney | 6th Mar 09
Somehow we always remember to fold the laundry…. *sigh* I sugges you buy a voice recorder, so as you drive you can talk into it and save your brilliant idea forver…
Rosie Scribble | 5th Mar 09
Oh no, what a shame! You could have earned a fortune and been financially secure for the rest of your life! Hope your idea returns!!
Laura | 5th Mar 09
I have moments like that daily.
Last night I had a fab idea for a blog post, so great that I didn’t need to write it down … and it went in the night
Potty Mummy | 5th Mar 09
This is why I always carry a notebook. Never a pen or pencil to write in it with, though…
Carol Smith (caroljs) | 5th Mar 09
I know the feeling!!