Last year I wrote a post about mummy blogging just starting to take off in the the UK. I had just created British Mummy Bloggers and frankly I struggled to come up with a list of 100 UK parent bloggers.
Now there are 800+ British Mummy Bloggers members and my inbox is so full of PR pitches I've had to open a new account.
So what happened in year? Mummy bloggers are hot. No, we aren't all running temperatures with swine flu. We're a hot commodity. I spoke with one PR firm yesterday that said they are ditching celebs for the "reality" factor that mum bloggers carry. Now don't go quoting this out of context. What I mean is that right now mummy bloggers are trendy. Who knows how long the trend will last — but given what has happened across the pond, my money is on the longer term.
My nearly 8-year-old was a bit stroppy last night and I did what any parent would do — took away her Club Penguin cards. She wasn't very happy about it and left me this note while I was in the bath: Dear Mum and Dad, I am caping* outside tonight. Tomorrow I will leave. …
This year I was on a mission to get my girls eating more than just chicken nuggets and sausage, beans and chips. Guess what? We did it!! We now eat five out of seven meals together, and I only cook one dish. Who would have known?! This is one of …
Disclosure: we got free tickets to see this event. Wow. I can tell the Royal Institution’s Christmas Lectures made a lasting impression on my nearly eight-year-old daughter. They made a lasting impression on me. And my husband. Syringes armed with harmful histamines, seeds seeped with deadly nerve poisons: Who knew plants were …
My eight-year-old daughters best friend is moving to another country. Though the move is still a few months away, she is devastated. I can tell she is trying to make sense of the impending loss and is working things out in her mind. “When Emilie goes, who will be with me at play …
Not bad, actually. A bunch of us got together this weekend at the London Zoo. It rained. It rained really hard. It was cold. But the atmosphere inside was buzzing and we had a fab time. It was nice to meet so many online personalities. We really are an eclectic group. …
I can remember the origin of nearly every piece of clothing I have ever owned. I discovered this amazing ability as I was looking through a photo album my mother made me for Christmas last year. The cover is a photo of me in 2nd grade wearing a homemade red high neck blouse with white smocking. I clearly remember pouring through Butterick catalogue looking for the pattern.
Next page and it's 1980 and I'm wearing a blue peasant skirt, knee length with three layers of complementing calico material separated by a blue ribbon. Peasant skirts were very popular at the time. I think my sister made it without a pattern (she's very talented my sister).
Barring my dry spell, I have always belonged to a book club, sometimes several at the same time. I find them fascinating. When it comes down to it, a book club is an excuse to get together with other adults and talk about something other than children. Have I sold you yet? I’ve done …