Close your eyes and think back … before kids, before marriage, before now… What did you used to do for fun? No peaking! When I close my eyes I see myself poolside, a trashy summer read in one hand and a icy fruity drink in another. In those days there may have been children nearby – telling their parents they needed the loo or if they could have chips with lunch. But these children didn’t belong to me.
My whole idea of fun changed, pretty much overnight, when my first daughter was born nearly eight years ago. It quickly became apparent that having fun equated with having enough sleep. If I didn’t have enough sleep, I was no fun. When faced with the decision of watching a mediocre television drama or sleep, sleep would win every time.
As the girls grew into toddlers and preschoolers, and I caught up with my beloved sleep, my definition of fun turned into what was fun for the kids. When we first moved to this area (pre kids), I had a vague idea that there was a playpark near the train station. After kids, I became acutely aware of every playpark within a 10-mile radius of our home, and could converse with other mums on the finer points of each one (is that the one with the zippy thing, the one with the toddler swings, the one with the sand pit?) On a trip to Paris when the girls were preschoolers, we were blown away by some of the public playparks there. That made the trip … not the Seine or Eiffel Tower.
The girls are in primary school and can swim on their own, so I can take them to the pool and lounge beside with my book in hand. But now you can often find me in the pool with them, doing belly flops and racing in the deep end. It’s so much fun!
Photo credit: aeter
blueskyhi | 12th Jan 10
Sorry this is such a late comment, but I absolutely love this post. I too are the overgrown kid splashing about with my kids and we have named all our parks too. We love the “brain” park the most.
Diney | 7th Jan 10
I was at the stage of being able to have lots of ‘me’ time as my son was 18 and about to go to university, so I was looking forward to our new life of freedom (in the nicest possible way!) when, blow me down, I found I was pregnant! The whole life started over – it was tiring but is wonderful and a great way to keep young!
Michelloui | 5th Jan 10
First year was tough for me–total lack of sleep, no family support (I lived 6000 miles from them!) and failing marriage! Bleh. But now I have a great time with my daughter and it is amazing what new things you discover in the world–and new ways of experiencing the world, when you have a child. Great post–and fab Carnival hosting! Thank you!!
Iota | 4th Jan 10
I used to LOVE a long hot bath, with a cup or tea, or glass of wine, and a book. Now, if it ever even occurs to me to try one, (which is once in a blue moon), I get into the bath, gulp the tea down, and think “what do I do now?”
I occasionally used to get into the bath with them when they were little (too grown up for that now!), and that was fun.
Liz (LivingwithKids) | 4th Jan 10
It’s so true. You get used to having a different kind of fun (although for the first year or so I tried to have the same sort of fun I used to). I miss the kind of holidays I used to go on with my girlfriends – endless cocktails, sunbathing, etc. But I figure there’s plenty of time for all that again when we’re empty nesters. Seeing the world, museums, galleries, movies etc through a child’s eyes is just amazing.
A Modern Mother | 4th Jan 10
Nappy — good strategy
Expat — I like that, “fell” into a wine bar…
Angels– excuses are good, I use mine to cover up my stupidity!
angelsandurchinsblog | 4th Jan 10
Bellyflops sounds familiar! I never thought bouncing for hours on the trampoline would be so much fun, but it’s another example of stuff that your children give you an excuse to do. Eating Smarties, fish finger sandwiches and other unsuitables ditto. But still waiting for the sleep thing. Maybe when the youngest reaches two or older? Please tell me when the youngest reaches two or older…?!
Expat Mum | 4th Jan 10
God, it’s so long for me I can’t remember anything. I was married for three years before the Queenager came along and I cannot think what the Ball & Chain and I did on the weekends. Before that, I lived in London, and for two years completely on my own- all that free time, peace and quiet. I wonder what I did? I think I just fell into the nearest wine bar after work to be honest.
nappyvalleygirl | 4th Jan 10
Fun now? Doing something that will exhaust the Littleboys so much that they go to bed early and sleep really well – ensuring a lie-in for me!
Heather | 4th Jan 10
it is a different kind of fun and whilst it is fun I do miss the other, none running around, splashing, constantly in parent mode, kind of fun. A good book with drink in hand by the pool sounds so good it’s almost pornographic.
TooManyHats | 4th Jan 10
Sounds like the perfect evolution of a woman into a mom. One day there will be more trashy novels and fruity drinks poolside, as you wait for grandchildren – I am almost to that stage with teens – they will be gone soon and the grandchildren wait will begin 🙂
A Modern Mother | 4th Jan 10
Insomniac — can’t wait to read all about it 😉
Insomniac Mummy | 4th Jan 10
I’m having fun but not enough. Lack of sleep is taking it’s toll and I’m sure my kids would say I am not fun at all at the moment!
I love thie life I have now, the parks, the days out on ‘choo choos’ and trips to the zoo. Being a parent is everything I imagined it to be and more.
I do agree with Rosie though, I’m beginning to need more of a social life for myself outside the realms of Twitter and blogging.
This comment could go on forever so I may well blog about it LOL!
A Modern Mother | 4th Jan 10
Mwa — cool park!
Vic — cute!
Urban — hmmm, intriqued…
urbanvox | 4th Jan 10
yup… def my kinda fun nowadays… 🙂
u don;t wanna know what fun used to be for me… let’s say it involved extreme things… LOADS of them… 🙂
Vic – ummm we went to a club last year… if I’m not mistake you insisted we left for the cinema after about 30 min or something…
Vic | 4th Jan 10
Fun used to be heading out for a meal and then getting trashed in a club. A few drinks over a meal just about does me in now and last time I went to a club (quite a few years back now) I felt incredibly old. That was not fun.
We sat in the other night with a good movie and the boy cuddled up in between us. That was more fun than anything we would used to have done.
Mwa | 4th Jan 10
You’re so right. One of my favourite things about Switzerland in summer was the giant dinosaur we found in a park.
A Modern Mother | 4th Jan 10
MadHouse — love the park stage!
Bosnia — laughing is good too.
Brit In Bosnia | 4th Jan 10
Sleep is still a bit of an obsession, but fun is definitely what makes the boys laugh, as that makes me laugh.
That said, I would love a chance to lounge, book in hand without having to worry about whether anyone needs a wee!
TheMadHouse | 4th Jan 10
We are currently still at the park stage, so my idea of sun is still a wee bit off yet. Plus we are covered in Snow, which is starting to wear thin especially after the forecast for the next 3 days of -7 and heavy Snow. Yep I got out of bed the wrong side this morning!!!
A Modern Mother | 4th Jan 10
Holly — sleep is so under rated!
Holly | 4th Jan 10
My girls are still so small, toddler and baby that I’m a way off from having any independent ‘fun’ time yet – But like you Sleep is my total obsession. I used to love Sunday night TV dramas but now my pillow wins out every time.
A Modern Mother | 4th Jan 10
Roise — maybe we should start a “how to regain your life after twitter” group?
Hayley — excellent, I have a twin!
Hayley | 4th Jan 10
Sounds exactly like me!
Rosie Scribble | 4th Jan 10
I’m having fun, of course I am, but it’s a different kind of fun and the balance isn’t quite right at the moment. I need a social life that extends beyond twitter, to be perfectly honest.
A Modern Mother | 4th Jan 10
Pippa — funny how that happens! Sounds like fun though… despite the cold water.
Pippa | 4th Jan 10
I can relate, on my first Holiday abroad with ‘Daddy’ we sat on a beach for the whole day without digging sandcastles, chasing after a ball or running in and out of the cold (well not that cold) water.
Now I look for beaches we can go to so that I can dig sandcastles, chase balls and run in and out of the cold (well freezing this is the UK) water!