It's Recycle Week in the UK next week and Karen from the Rubbish Diet and Don't Tear Your Hair Out has set all mummy bloggers a challenge: how many can she get to take a recycling pledge and write about it?
She got me to promise to re-use my carrier bags for a week, and if I don't I won't be allowed to use Twitter for a whole week. Shudder.
Ever wonder what a group of bloggers with alias' like Potty Mummy, Surprised and Wahm-Bam look like?
Not bad, actually.
British Mummy Bloggers took over the Rainforest Cafe in London yesterday and I'd have to say we were a pretty interesting group of mums. There were varied accents, personalities and even a few tattoos; not to mention the adorable babies.
Thank you to Silver Cross for organising the event. Their MD Alan Halsall has done an excellent job of bringing the coveted British pram brand into the 21st century. I have to say that I wish they had brought out the Doodle (which got an "oooohhh" from all the mums when we were shown the retractable UV visor) and the Halo highchair (which turns into a table/chair set) when mine were younger.
I'm going to share a deep, dark secret. I've never reused those plastic bags they give you at the supermarket. Ever. Even though I have those trendy reusable bags and hundreds of plastic ones hidden around the house (and stuffed in drawers). I know, I know. It's just that when I finally make it to Tesco, the bags never make it with me.
So I've taken a pledge for Recycle Week (22- 28 June). I've PROMISED to reuse my carrier bags for a whole week. And if I don't do it, I will not be allowed to use Twitter for a whole week. Shudder.
It seems that the mummy blogger/PR relationship is really hard to get right — even for our US counterparts. GeekMommy wrote an excellent post this week about Why Mom Bloggers Aren’t Flipping for Just a Sample of Your Product. You really need to read the full article, it points out …
I thought I'd catch you up on some of the more interesting responses to all the publicity around the rise British mummy blogging….
Andrex contacted me about the launch of their new "Puppy Points" scheme. The trolley dash sounded like loads of fun, but since I don't have any pets I politely declined. Of course I felt silly when hubby informed me that Andrex make toilet tissue and they have adorable lab pups on their label (I buy the cheapest I can find at Tesco so hadn't noticed this before).
Four Red Kites sitting in the tree, Eight nice sunflowers growing in the garden, One yellow sun shining in the sky, It’s summer time now, Let’s play! Written 7 years old Photo credit …
My seven-year-old daughter really wanted Holly Steele to win Britain's Got Talent; possibly more than Holly herself. She immediately identified with the girl that is just a few years older. As she watched the entire final, analysing all the acts (the grandfather and granddaughter act was a close second) she kept chanting "I want Holly, I want Holly".
In case you live in a cave and missed Friday's semi-final, Holly broke into tears after she made a mistake and was told she couldn't have another go. I'm sure every mother's heart collectively broke when in the midst of tears, Holly said she wanted her mummy.