Ever wonder what a group of bloggers with alias' like Potty Mummy, Surprised and Wahm-Bam look like?
Not bad, actually.
British Mummy Bloggers took over the Rainforest Cafe in London yesterday and I'd have to say we were a pretty interesting group of mums. There were varied accents, personalities and even a few tattoos; not to mention the adorable babies.
Thank you to Silver Cross for organising the event. Their MD Alan Halsall has done an excellent job of bringing the coveted British pram brand into the 21st century. I have to say that I wish they had brought out the Doodle (which got an "oooohhh" from all the mums when we were shown the retractable UV visor) and the Halo highchair (which turns into a table/chair set) when mine were younger.
Also thank you to Silvia at the Rainforest Cafe who let our group descend upon their restaurant in large numbers on a busy Sunday. It was definitely the coolest place in London and I fully expected to be rained upon during one of the storms.
It was wonderful to meet so many bloggers, including: Alpha Mummy, Wahm-Bam, NixdMinx, Noble Savage, Potty Mummy, Maternal Tales, And One More Means Four, Boozlebox, Home Office Mum, Diary of a Surprised Mum, Being a Mummy, Daddacool, Notes From Inside My Head, Thames Valley Mums, Part Mummy Part Me, Metropolitan Mum, Perfectly Happy Mum, and London-Baby.
Next time I organise a get together for a lively group of mummy bloggers, please remind me not to do it the morning after I host a dinner party…
Patrice | 20th Jun 09
That’s a great bunch of mommy bloggers. Looking forward for some photos on your next post.
All Grown Up | 20th Jun 09
Gutted I missed out! Even wrote about it 🙂
Maternal Tales | 15th Jun 09
Had such fun…We forgot to take photos didn’t we??? We’re silly :-(( xxx
Jo Beaufoix | 15th Jun 09
So sorry I couldn’t make it but will hopefully do the next one. Hoping to see some pics people. 😀
Sass E-mum | 15th Jun 09
London on a sunny weekend? Sorry – the beach beckoned.
I’ll have to keep a closer eye on the next meeting date for BMB.
Almost Mrs Average | 15th Jun 09
I really wanted to attend too. It seems ages since I’ve caught up with you guys. It looks like you had a giggle.
Anyway, the reason why I couldn’t make it is because I’ve been up to stuff…and Susanna, as you know, you’re right in the middle of it 😀
You’ve officially been tagged…and the details are now waiting for you over at The Rubbish Diet 😀
Antonella | 15th Jun 09
Sounds you had a lovely time, Susanna! Any photo somewhere? Any plans to organize something in the North some time in future? I usually come down to London only for work…
Part Mummy Part Me | 15th Jun 09
Thank you so much for organising it. What a great bunch of mummies – and kiddies!
Ella and I had a great time and were so impressed with the Silver Cross merchandise – who knows, I may need one in a few years’ time (still working on J!!) xx
Rebel Mother | 15th Jun 09
sorry I missed it too. Must be great to put the faces to the names….
Hope you plan another soon RMx
Dulwich Divorcee | 15th Jun 09
So sorry to have missed the fun, sounds like you had a blast! Hope to make it next time xx
OMG We're Pregnant | 15th Jun 09
I wish i could’ve made it. When’s the next one???!!!
Laura | 15th Jun 09
Sounds like you all had a ball! I can’t wait to read about it on all the other mummy blogs too, hopefully next time i’ll be able to come along 🙂 x
nixdminx | 15th Jun 09
Hi Susanna – I was gasping for a coffee and had quite an evening of it on Saturday which made the lightning storms quite a trial! What a wonderful, wonderful event. It was great to meet the BMBs and get the kids together, and thanks to you too. x
Brit in Bosnia | 15th Jun 09
It sounds as if you all had such fun. I so wish that I could have joined you. Still, coping with the severe weather warnings means you guys need to have some perks (as I contemplate taking the laptop out onto the veranda to have my coffee in the sun).
Let me know about the next one early and I’ll have to try and arrange a trip back to the UK to coincide with it!