I've always been good at my own PR. As the fourth child of five, I had to be. Otherwise I wouldn't get another piece of carrot cake or a new pair of shoess (instead of my sister's hand-me-downs).
Seems like mummy blogging is on the rise in the UK, you can read all about it in the FT and Times. And my little British mummy blogger network has caught the public eye as well.
I reckon we're a force to be dealt with. What do you think ladies?
Here's to mummy power!
PS — if you're in PR and want to approach a mummy blogger, PLEASE read this first.
Photo credit: alef
Sparx | 11th Jun 09
Well done; it’s something we needed over here.
working mum | 2nd Jun 09
Congratulations – you are making us mummy bloggers a tour de force! I read the article yesterday; a friend passed it on to me because she knew I was a blogger.
“I’m a member of Bristish Mummy Bloggers!” I shouted, “I know these people!” (in a blogging sense, of course).
She looked at me in that way non-bloggers do 😉
A Modern Mother | 1st Jun 09
BinB- Yes, here’s to mummy power.
Lisa – It’s just starting to catch on here.
Sandy – Thanks
Clarey- Thanks
Iota- Touche
SPD – er, no
Rebel- Up, up and away. Thanks
Antonella- Thanks
experimental – yes!
Experimental Mum | 31st May 09
Yeah! Well done, Mammies & Daddies know best!
Antonella | 31st May 09
Congratulations, Susanna, you made the big newspapers pages. Well deserved. Ciao. A.
Rebel Mother | 31st May 09
I have an Award for you over at mine – hope you like it. RMx
SingleParentDad | 30th May 09
Did you just call me a lady?
Iota | 30th May 09
“little” network? Snort.
clareybabble | 29th May 09
Celebrate with a cup of tea! Award for you over at my blog xx
SandyCalico | 29th May 09
Congratulations! I’m still finding my way round the network. I wish there were more hours in the day.
Award for you at mine x
Rebel Mother | 29th May 09
Oh well done! The only way is up, up, up!!!!
Lisa | 29th May 09
Yay! Mummy POWER! YOu go. Glad to hear they are paying attention.
Brit In Bosnia | 29th May 09
Congrats on the articles! You have done such a great job raising the profile of all us bloggers – and I’m ever such a fan of the mummy blogging network. Thanks for having the energy to get it up and running.
Girl (well Mummy blogger anyway) power!