It's Recycle Week in the UK next week and Karen from the Rubbish Diet and Don't Tear Your Hair Out has set all mummy bloggers a challenge: how many can she get to take a recycling pledge and write about it?
She got me to promise to re-use my carrier bags for a week, and if I don't I won't be allowed to use Twitter for a whole week. Shudder.
The rules are easy:
1. Visit and sign up to one of the pledges to waste less.
2. Share the details of your pledge on your own blog.
3. Chose five other bloggers, who will also be up for a bit of recycling fun.
4. Come back to this post at The Rubbish Diet and share your pledge with others, by placing a link to your pledge in the comments field.
5. Optional – as a thank you to all involved The Rubbish Diet will be publishing a British Mummy Bloggers' Recycle Week carnival on Monday 29th June. To be included, simply submit your favourite post revealing the progress of your pledge by Saturday 27th June – email to karen[at]therubbishdiet[dot]co[dot]uk.
So I'm tagging the bloggers below to take a pledge:
Working Mum
And to take this international:
PS — If you run out of people to tag, you can always take a look through the British Mummy Bloggers membership list.
Also — if you want to take the pledge, consider yourself tagged!
A Modern Mother | 16th Jun 09
Karen — look what you have started!
Treemama — yes this is right up your alley…
Sparx — yours too!
Sparx | 16th Jun 09
Aha – right up my alley, will have to find something I can pledge to right away – thanks for including me!
Treemama | 16th Jun 09
so i guess displaying all my wine corks in a glass jar as opposed to throwing them away, doesn’t count.
just kidding. glad to join. will post later this week.
Almost Mrs Average | 15th Jun 09
What a quick turnaround. I am so impressed I am off to Twitter it now. I can’t wait to find out how your pledge turns out as well as catch up with the others. Good luck to everyone involved 😀