I will re-use my carrier bags, I will, I will!

RecycleweekI'm going to share a deep, dark secret. I've never reused those plastic bags they give you at the supermarket. Ever. Even though I have those trendy reusable bags and hundreds of plastic ones hidden around the house (and stuffed in drawers). I know, I know. It's just that when I finally make it to Tesco, the bags never make it with me.

So I've taken a pledge for Recycle Week (22- 28 June). I've PROMISED to reuse my carrier bags for a whole week.  And if I don't do it, I will not be allowed to use Twitter for a whole week. Shudder.

Go on, take your own pledge. It's easy. Just go to the Recycle Week web site. There are lots of pledges to choose from: like promising to recycle all your glass bottles and jars or newspapers and magazines, to using leftovers for lunch the next day to going waste free for an entire day.

It's a fun site, once you pick your pledge it will tell you more about the benefits of what you've promised. For example, after I pledged to re-use my carrier bags, the web site nicely told me:

Did you know?

In 2008, UK shoppers picked up a staggering 9.9 billion new carrier bags.

That’s an average of 400 per household – or enough to fill 188 Olympic swimming pools. 

To produce that number of bags required around 180,000 tonnes of oil, and emitted greenhouse gases equivalent to up to 100,000 extra cars on the road.

If you and every household halved the number of bags that are picked up, we would reduce waste and save energy. Over a year, this would mean using around 90,000 fewer tonnes of oil and a reduction in greenhouse gas production equivalent to taking up to 50,000 cars off the road.

And for the bags you can't re-use, see our how to recycle carrier bags page to find out more. 

and the Recycle Week team

Well Jane, I think you have done a fab job on this campaign.

Please wish me luck re-using my carrier bags and check back here during Recycle Week for my progress!

And don't forget to make your own pledge and waste less.


  1. Mrs Green | 20th Jun 09

    Finally caught up with you – what a great pledge. It’s a ‘simple’ thing but one that can take ages to really get into place. Changing habits is not easy, but you’ll do it.

  2. MissBehaving | 16th Jun 09

    I could have sworn I posted a comment yesterday!
    I keep mine in the car too, they call them ‘eco’ totes here, I am an addict I ahve so many. even scored myself a cool silkscreened Obama one.
    Wish I could remember to ecycle my trays and egg cartons at the super though!!

  3. Brenda | 15th Jun 09

    You can do it, put them in your car if you normally drive and put a post it note on your dashboard to remind you.
    Have just cleared out my wardrobes and am shocked by the amount of clothes that have piled up. Now they have to recycled!!

  4. Almost Mrs Average | 15th Jun 09

    It took me ages to keep remembering my bags. Now I have them everywhere…the only downside is I love collecting them and have a collection that only another reusable bag aficionado would admire. Good luck with the challenge…can’t believe you’ve forfeited Twitter…you had better be good 😀 x

  5. Brit in Bosnia | 15th Jun 09

    I’m not good at reusing them for groceries, but the normal plastic bags are great dog poo picker uppers, so I think that I am recycling them in our own way.
    I do like the big heavy duty ones though for more normal recycling, they can carry quite a bit of stuff before collapsing.
    Good luck with your mission!

  6. Caroline | 14th Jun 09

    It’s not an easy habit to get into, took me a good few months of leaving the bags in the car when I went into the supermarket, then bringing the groceries back to the car and packing them into the bags that I’d left in the car, before I started remembering to take them into the store with me! I always remember now, though, so keep trying!
    Just enjoyed having a read through your blog x

  7. A Modern Mother | 14th Jun 09

    Tree–Thanks for your support.
    MT–Yes, I’m afraid that might happen too.
    Expat–I always think of you as a trend setter!
    Nappy Valley- But don’t you just love that they pack the groceries for you?!

  8. nappyvalleygirl | 14th Jun 09

    I’m shocked by how here in the US, supermarkets use about three times the number of bags to wrap your shopping – for example, one packet of nappies warrants one plastic bag.
    But I’ve got a solution – I’ll be investing in a couple of great big LL Bean canvas bags as soon as possible. We had these at home (present from American relatives) and means you never have to use any carrier bags at all.

  9. Expat Mum | 13th Jun 09

    It’s funny because when I was little, I remember everyone used to take their own carrier bags or shopping bags when they shopped. I think because they weren’t free. I’ve been carrying an old lady shopping bag for years here, although it’s all the rage now. Never been a trend-setter before!

  10. Maternal Tales | 13th Jun 09

    I always leave my bags in the car – just so I don’t forget them. But then what happens is that I make to to the checkout and realise that I’ve left them in the car!! I do try…!!

  11. Treemama | 13th Jun 09

    you can do it. my problem was they would pile up in my trunk of my car and i would always forget to take them back in.
    we use the reusables, and really it’s much easier than the plastic ones. you can fit more in them, they are sturdier, they are boxier and they can prop against each other and things tend not to roll out of them and yes, i can fold them up and just pop them back in the car rather than try to stuff them in a drawer that cannot contain them.
    i just have to leave them up front in the car with me or i forget them at the store.
    good for you ! i hope you make it!

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