I thought I'd catch you up on some of the more interesting responses to all the publicity around the rise British mummy blogging….
Andrex contacted me about the launch of their new "Puppy Points" scheme. The trolley dash sounded like loads of fun, but since I don't have any pets I politely declined. Of course I felt silly when hubby informed me that Andrex make toilet tissue and they have adorable lab pups on their label (I buy the cheapest I can find at Tesco so hadn't noticed this before).
Another PR company was looking for an influential mother for a spokesperson for their unnamed campaign. This would include radio and some press quotes. This really made me laugh as I can't influence my own four-year-old to avoid wiping her nose on her shirt sleeve (gross I know). But hey, I guess she saw potential…
But the best was my youngest daughter's response to my photo in the FT: "mummy you look like grandma".
Sparx | 11th Jun 09
Grandma? I doubt it! I’ve tagged you by the way – I don’t do tags normally and I don’t expect you to but there you go, tagged anyway!
And thanks again for all your work on our behalf. Behalves? Hm.
ActionJetz | 11th Jun 09
We have chosen your blog to be one of the participants in our Online Toy “Blog” Contest.
We at ActionJetz.com, are encouraging kids and parents to share fun, and educational
activities. Help your child win a mini jet toy, plus a chance to play more exciting
educational airplane online games by joining the contest.
Check here for the mechanics: http://www.actionjetz.com/content/toycontest.php
Thank you so much, and good luck to you!
Expat Mum | 10th Jun 09
Aarrgg. I got that one last year, but then last month (in the dusk, I admit) my little guy thought I was his 16 year old sister. Yay!
Helen | 10th Jun 09
Oh dear, when they begin to see our own mother in us… I’ve been there!
TooManyHats | 9th Jun 09
Did you tell the little one that her time is coming?
Metropolitan Mum | 9th Jun 09
You have so much to be proud of! Looking forward to meet you this Sunday.
Treemama | 9th Jun 09
aaaannnddddd….they keep you humble.
you go you publicity hound!
Brit In Bosnia | 8th Jun 09
Nothing like kids to bring you back to reality. It is amazing what you have done though for us mummy bloggers, we all very much appreciate it.
Rosie Scribble | 8th Jun 09
Well done for all the great PR work you’ve been doing. I got the Andrex invite too!
Potty Mummy | 8th Jun 09
Kids. Good thing we love them, hey?
working mum | 8th Jun 09
Aargh! What a comedown after all the great publicity you’ve generated for us mummy bloggers!
Iota | 8th Jun 09
You have a lot to be proud of – this is all down to you.
Maternal Tales | 8th Jun 09
How exciting re:all the response to Mummy Blogging in this country – it’s all thanks to you! Love your daughter’s quote – it’s always always photos that make us realise what we really look like!