What time is it?

Time Turning on my side for what seems like the 10th time, I try to wiggle into a comfortable position. But it's no use, I'm not ready to surrender. In my mind I lift my head, peer past the pile of half-read books, and peek at the green neon digits on the clock. It must be well into the night by now. But my eyes are heavy and the connection between mind and movement doesn't happen.

The cold doesn't help. Forced to breathe through my mouth, my lips feel like sticky flannel and there is an undeniable trace of soreness in my throat when I swallow. What time IS it? My head still doesn't move. It stays still on the pillow. Instead my brain makes a running leap out of my body and starts doing laps around the room, bumping into my cream coloured walls and crashing into the walnut dresser.

Don’t you just love being a mum

Tag[1] I got tagged this week in the latest meme travelling around blogosphere. To explain to those that have no idea what I'm talking about (especially my mother – who reads this blog religiously) it's like a game of "tag" — another blogger makes you "it" and you need to tag someone else. This one is about the five reasons why I love motherhood, so here goes.

1. "Alex. Alex? Wake up. Grandma will give us chocolate for breakfast." (6.30 am at grandma's house after a long haul flight).

You relax honey — I’ll do the washing up

Washingup Why is it men don't say what they really mean?

The morning started off so nicely. Both hubby and I do consulting so we have a fair bit of flexibility. We decided at the spur of the moment to honour the sunshine so we dusted off the cobwebs from the bicycles and took them out for a short ride through town.

We got back just in time for lunch — leeks and fennel from the veg box mixed with some crispy pancetta, a splash of cream and linguine — and we ate alfresco, with only the tweep tweeps of the baby birds keeping us company.

Thoughts on long haul flights with children

I used to dread long haul flights with children. It started when I was single and dating future Scottish hubby. Due to our geographical locations, seeing each other always involved sitting for long periods in an airplane. Though I’ve never liked flying, the trip did offer 10 hours of reading time, or …

Not to toot my own horn, but…

This little blog has made it into the top 10 UK British Parent Blogs! Sally Whittle over at Getting Ink and Toty's Place created a weighted list of The Top 100 British Parent Blogs and A Modern Mother came in 8th. They used all kinds of criteria including  "currency", "influence" and "popularity" for …

Am I the only one who struggles with a British shopping trolley?

Why are British shopping trolleys so hard to push? After lazing around with friends this morning downing frothy skinny cappuccinos and discussing the spring-like weather, I stopped by Waitrose to pick up a few essentials. I like shopping there, despite the fact I spend on average £20 more each visit than Tesco. It’s an experience. It all started out …

Attention PR: How to engage a mummy blogger

Mummy bloggers Mummy blogging is on the rise in the UK and it's no surprise that I've been on the receiving end of quite a few pitches from PR people lately. My background is in marketing, so I tend to be fairly friendly. But I'm loosing my patience. Consider this:

"Please see below for a great new baby product from XXX. Please let me know if you need any info, samples or images. Thanks"

I don't have any babies (sob) my youngest is school age.

"I thought you'd be interested in our Mother's Day competition. We'd like you or your readers to nominate their mum…"

I don't think my readers are children, but maybe I'm wrong…

Goodbyes. I hate them.

Some friends stay with you forever. They become so entwined in the fabric of your life that it never needs to be mended. Others flit in and out like a butterfly, stopping only briefly to rest their wings. A butterfly in of my circle of friends left today. A job in Dubai was the …