Turning on my side for what seems like the 10th time, I try to wiggle into a comfortable position. But it's no use, I'm not ready to surrender. In my mind I lift my head, peer past the pile of half-read books, and peek at the green neon digits on the clock. It must be well into the night by now. But my eyes are heavy and the connection between mind and movement doesn't happen.
The cold doesn't help. Forced to breathe through my mouth, my lips feel like sticky flannel and there is an undeniable trace of soreness in my throat when I swallow. What time IS it? My head still doesn't move. It stays still on the pillow. Instead my brain makes a running leap out of my body and starts doing laps around the room, bumping into my cream coloured walls and crashing into the walnut dresser.
Shit. I forgot to go through all the mail. I wonder if Emily's ENT appointment came through. Why didn't I just plough through and unpack ALL the suitcases. I don't remember seeing the High School Musical 3 DVD, I wonder if I packed it. That's sharp! Is that what the dentist was talking about?
Gurgle, gurlge, spurt, spurt, pop. Did I leave the heating on?
How can he sleep through all this?!
OK, I'll look.
11.30 pm.
You're joking.
Jet lag is hell.
Photo credit: serhio
KindaSassy | 23rd Apr 09
arrrgh yes, jetlag, oh the joy! now go to sleep… 🙂
kate | 22nd Apr 09
Insomnia is the worst, I’ve had it for years and tried everything. The last thing I tried on the advice of a friend was ACEM meditation. And it works. I know in your case it’s probably just caused by jet leg but anyway, take it from me a hardened insomniac a bit of meditation is a cure.
Jill Appleton | 21st Apr 09
Poor you! Nothing worse than a racing brain and sore throat combination. Brilliantly written!
Rosie Scribble | 21st Apr 09
Oh no! Hope it passes soon.
Brenda | 20th Apr 09
Hope you are getting over it now, it is horrible to have jet lag and a cold.
Laura McIntyre | 20th Apr 09
Ugg jet lag is no fun, hope its all better now
Casdok | 20th Apr 09
I feel for you!
Beautifuly written 🙂
Sparx | 20th Apr 09
Oh I hate it, have just gotten over it myself and about to do it all over again in a few days; my tonsils are still up from the last time; sympathy!
Rebel Mother | 20th Apr 09
Are you in California? Believe it or not it is easier to fly West to East, than East to West, regarding jet-lag (according to my Hubby, because time change is easier). It must be the cold. Nasty. Hope you feel bubbly soon. PS Love the sticky flannel bit…good description.
RM x
Potty Mummy | 19th Apr 09
You have my complete sympathy – and I suggest you sneeze very loudly in your husband’s ear so that you have someone to complain to at around 1.00am. And again at 2.30am. And 5.00am…
More than Just a Mother | 19th Apr 09
Fabulously put. Hope you’re feeling human again soon, and that it was worth it!
TooManyHats | 19th Apr 09
Your writing style and word choices are terrific. I do hope you get back on your time zone soon.
SingleParentDad | 19th Apr 09
Hope you adjust quickly, and I can lend you my copy of HSM 😉
JaPRA | 19th Apr 09
Well, hope you do finally get some sleep and feel better soon!
Maternal Tales | 19th Apr 09
Oh how hideous! I know this feeling so well… Sometimes you don’t even need jet lag to feel like this – just a horrible bout of insomnia. It’s totally soul destroying. Hope you’re feeling better now. Very well written x