Don’t you just love being a mum

Tag[1] I got tagged this week in the latest meme travelling around blogosphere. To explain to those that have no idea what I'm talking about (especially my mother – who reads this blog religiously) it's like a game of "tag" — another blogger makes you "it" and you need to tag someone else. This one is about the five reasons why I love motherhood, so here goes.

1. "Alex. Alex? Wake up. Grandma will give us chocolate for breakfast." (6.30 am at grandma's house after a long haul flight).

2. "Mummy, can I show you something that I didn't mean to do?" (five-year-old after she realised she broke the towel rack for the 3rd time…)

3. "You're the BEST MUMMY in the whole wide world," (Emily and Alexandra after I said they could go to the dollar store.)

4. (silence from the girls' bedroom for a solid 12 hours when the youngest was ten months old…)

5. "Mummy, I LOVE you," (four-year-old in the back seat of the car at the end of a long trip for no apparent reason at all).

You're it:

Potty Mummy

Paradise Lost in Translation

Violet Posy

Brits in Bosnia

Yummy Mammy

Lunnarosa — Living Abroad

The rules are simple: list your five favourite things about being a mum, link back to me, tag some of your bloggy friends, and comment here so you can be added to the world tour.


  1. | 21st Jan 13

    The first thing to know here is that what you are feeling is absolutely normal. Your body is surging with hormones as it adjusts to being pregnant and as it begins to prepare you, emotionally and physically, for the birth of your child and placing the care of another human being in your hands.

  2. More than Just a Mother | 12th Apr 09

    Aw sweet 🙂

  3. A Modern Mother | 10th Apr 09

    2Too — thanks for the tag!
    BinB- great post, thnx
    Liz — thanks!
    Yummy — will check it out…
    Felicia — I’ll tag you next time!

  4. Felicia - I Complete Me | 9th Apr 09

    So sweet! I’m glad you didn’t tag me. Yay!!!!!!

  5. Yummy Mammy | 7th Apr 09

    WOW! Thanks for that. I’ll have to have a think and post tomorrow. I love #4, silence is golden, not much of that in my house xx

  6. Liz@VioletPosy | 7th Apr 09

    Lovely one 🙂 I’ve done mine x

  7. Brit In Bosnia | 7th Apr 09

    In a moment of efficiency unknown of since children I have actually completed the task. And linked back to the original site. And you. There must be something else to do… I never get it right first time…
    Thanks – I enjoyed this. I had seen the RedNeckMummy post the other day and thought it would be fun to do, so pleased to be included.

  8. TooManyHats | 7th Apr 09

    Out of the mouths of babes. Love #2 – I seem to remember hearing that line more than once myself.
    Thanks for playing along.

  9. David Wescott | 7th Apr 09

    Excellent – many thanks!

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