Could there be anything more British?

Patriotic music. Fireworks. A case of champagne (thanks Mike). Oh, and 40,000 other people in Hyde Park all waving their Union Jacks. There are few events that bring out national pride more than the Last Night of the Proms; the songs a reminder of Britain's rich history. We weren't at …

PTA politics

Our PTA is falling apart. The core group of mums are burned out from icing one too many proverbial cakes. After years of service, the chair and much of the committee are stepping down and no one has come forward to claim the post. The scuttlebutt on the playground is that it …

School update

Just a quick post to let you know how school is going for HM, our four-year-old. How shall I put this? SHE DOESN’T WANT TO GO. I don’t really want her to go either. Not really an ideal situation. Yesterday we got to the school gate just as they blew the …

The big school prep team

Uniform HM (4) starts big school in a week. Luckily she has two older sisters (5 and 7) to show her the ropes. Today I overheard this conversation…

William won't be in your class, but you can visit him at playtime. And when it's wet play you will go into his class room.


Practise counting to twenty.

(counts, missing 17)

It's not all play, you know. Sometimes you have to do really, really hard work.

My summer hols


Not sure where the summer holidays went. I know they were here somewhere. I just put them down just over there…

Ah, here they are. I can't believe they are nearly over! What have I done with my six weeks? Well, let me tell you. There was the…

Lazy summer days

Santa Cruz is just under a 1/2 hour from where we are staying in California. It's a bit of a curvy ride through the mountains, but when you arrive the air temperature is about 15 degrees cooler than the valley (which can get to 100F) and there are loads of beaches to explore.

One of our favourites is Seacliff, also known as the cement boat beach.


The cement boat is at the end of this pier (trust me).

British Mummy Bloggers Do It With Integrity

Integrity1 As a mummy blogging evangelist and founder of the British Mummy Bloggers social network, I've been following the debate about blogging ethics and reviews/sponsored posts with great interest. This is now official business in the US, with the FTC about to launch guidelines this summer.

Things seemed to hit a crescendo when Mom Dot, a social network for US mommy bloggers, announced a PR Blackout Challenge aimed at urging mommy bloggers to get back to basics after loosing the plot to the allure of giveaways, reviews, and blog trips.

In response, I wrote May British Mummy Bloggers Never Need a PR Blackout, more as a warning to our growing community of what may be in store if we don't learn from what has happened to mommy bloggers on the other side of the pond.

After several conversations and comments, it became clear that British mummy bloggers don't need a code of ethics. That would take all the fun out of blogging and make it seem more like work. Rather, we could all use a reminder of the issues of ethical blogging. Hence, British Mummy Bloggers Do It With Integrity was born.

Hey America, socialized medicine is not that bad. Really.

OMG, I can’t believe all the hoopla about health care reform in the US. After nearly three weeks here, and talking with family and friends, I have come to the conclusion that no one really understands the issues (who would, the documents run in the thousands of pages). Opposition comes down to partisan politics …