Rowing into the past: A canoe trip down Sonoma’s Russian River

We are thoroughly enjoying our holiday in California. Well, me and the girls are. Hubby is holed up most of the time with his laptop working away (and we thank him for it). We did manage to take a family canoe trip down the Russian River. It was also a …

The ultimate work at home mother!

We are spending the summer holidays in California, I just couldn’t look another English one squarely in the eye. It’s great being here because in addition to sunshine on tap, we have lots of family to help entertain three small girls AND it gives me loads of time to visit old friends. Two of my …

Are you a tired mummy?

Looking back, I think the biggest surprise about being a new mother was how much lack of sleep affected me. It’s not surprising that depriving a person of sleep is a form of torture, because with a premature baby that didn’t sleep for oh, until she was about a year old, I …

And another thing (!)

Paper I have been thinking more my parental role and how it evolved. Actually, more like dwelling on all the things I do, which I don't really remember actually agreeing to do. I just do them, because someone has to.

Warning: this is a bit of a rant.

Parties. Everything to do with children's parties falls under my remit: putting the date in the diary, buying and wrapping the present, getting the girls to make a card. Often this includes getting them there and back. Last week when I told hubby it was time to get our 7-year-old from the fairy cooking party she was attending, he announced it was time to take a shower.

May British Mummy Bloggers never need a PR blackout!

Mom Dot's PR blackout challenge has me wondering … how the heck did it come to this?

Trisha, one of the founders of the community, explains: "With the allure of giveaways, reviews, and blog trips, Mom Bloggers have turned from what they love the most, their family, into working directly as public relations for their captive audience. It boils down to knowing your worth and then standing up for it."

I agree that PR has got the best of many mommy blogs and I tend to read the ones rich on content and lean on press releases. That's just my preference.

But as the founder of British Mummy Bloggers and a mummy blogging evangelist myself, I am worried. I feel a bit protective over our growing, supportive, and often naive community.

Bedtime conversations

"Mummy, Miss Sharon went on holiday to heaven." My four-year-old, HM, was sitting on my lap, her just washed hair smelt of lavender. Miss Sharon is her pre-school teacher and as far as I knew, she did not go to heaven. "Do you mean Devon sweetie?" I asked patting her soft head. "Yes. Miss Sharon went to …

Where has the time gone?!

Breathe in, I'm a fresh-faced marcom exec ready to conquer Silicon Valley. Breathe out, I'm talking about whinging online mummy blogging to a room full of young PRs that have my same bright eyes and enthusiasm. How did that happen? I was at MS&L this week helping them to swot up on the whole …

And exactly when did I agree to this?

I seem to have an unspoken agreement with hubby that I watch the kids at all times. I say unspoken because I don't remember agreeing to be on a heightened sense of alert at all hours, in all places.  I tell the girls that I have eyes on the back of my head, so maybe that's where he got the idea.

On Sunday we decided last minute to drive down to Regatta. It was about 11 am, and the crowds were just starting to arrive.

I should have known when hubby stopped at the Telegraph stand and picked up a paper and an umbrella as a free gift.