Where has the time gone?!

Time Breathe in, I'm a fresh-faced marcom exec ready to conquer Silicon Valley. Breathe out, I'm talking about whinging online mummy blogging to a room full of young PRs that have my same bright eyes and enthusiasm.

How did that happen?

I was at MS&L this week helping them to swot up on the whole mummy blogging phenomenon and explaining how they can work with parent bloggers (and not annoy them).

They were a very willing (and able) audience. I guess I wasn't surprised to see that PR is still a pink collar ghetto (there was one lone male in a sea of summer skirts). And only three of the 15 or so had children.

Do you remember what life was like before children? Me neither. Maybe if I squint. No, I'd have to down a bottle of wine. And sit in a darkened room.

In case you are wondering there was really no point to this post. Just that I am suddenly feeling like something has passed me by. I can just see my mother laughing quiety to herself about this one.


  1. Coding Mamma | 19th Jul 09

    I do remember, sometimes. It was actually pretty dull. I suppose the early post-university days of after-work drinks and the like was OK. But, no, for the most part it was pretty dull.

  2. A Modern Mother | 14th Jul 09

    Yes, you are right, but I love having a good moan about it every once in a while!

  3. Antonella | 14th Jul 09

    I DO remember life BC!!! Yes, I do. But I wouldn’t want to go back there. Call me morbid, but without them there wouldn’t be any life….Ciao. A.

  4. A Modern Mother | 13th Jul 09

    Part Mummy- I guess you found it.
    Met- love your comment!
    Japra- Uni, already?
    Nicola- Me neither.
    Brenda- you said it.
    LJC- it was my pleasure!

  5. LJC | 11th Jul 09

    Making my comment debut to say thanks for coming into MS&L and telling us how it is. Everyone got a lot out of it and now know what not to do!

  6. Brenda | 11th Jul 09

    When I was growing up I did not want to have kids, was going to have a great career etc and live my life. But then wham bam, thank you mam! I met my soul mate and we ended up with three kids, and me being a full time wife and mother. Now as they are growing up, I am slowly getting myself back into gear and back into the world of work, but no way would I have changed the last 17 years, the kids may invoke a myriad of emotions, but nothing can beat the I love you mum at the end of the day.

  7. Nicola | 11th Jul 09

    Yes those heady days of pre-kids is very much a distant blur. All the people I work with are single/no kids. And as much as I envy them their freedom at times – I wouldn’t trade places for the world.

  8. JaPRA | 11th Jul 09

    LOL, I was thinking about something like this last night as I was doing the dishes (so glamorous). I am at the “What now” thinking stage–can’t remember pre-baby life, can’t imagine life after said baby goes off to Uni in four years.
    Kudos to you for all you do, Modern Mother. You are an inspiration!

  9. Metropolitan Mum | 10th Jul 09

    Last night I posted a comment. And it disappeared. I cannot even not imagine life before the baby, I am not even capable of posting a comment anymore. Not that I had a blog or anything to post comments about before little L.
    You think this comment is pointless? If you are posting pointless posts, I am just answering in the matching tone of voice 😉
    PS: Please don’t tell me the only male participant was gay.

  10. Part Mummy Part Me | 10th Jul 09

    Life without children is overrated. All those boozy late nights and long hours in the office because you’re ‘hungry for it’. Whatever ‘it’ was.
    When I don’t have Els I do much the same as when I do have Els. Bar the odd boozy late night of course..

  11. A Modern Mother | 10th Jul 09

    Potty — glad I’m not the only one without a point!
    2Many — thanks for always letting me know there is hope!
    Momcat – – nice to see you and watch out for those trucks.
    Lisa/SVDiva — I LOVE IT!

  12. Lisa | 10th Jul 09

    I think about my pre-mommy days often too. So different, working in the corporate world LOL. How funny and GREAT you can educate these people, on what NOT to do

  13. Momcat | 10th Jul 09

    Yes parenting is a bit like being run over by a ten ton truck. I’ve got two teenage boys at home at the moment, almost 14 and 19. I think that truck is reversing backward over me and running me down over and over again. I just cannot get up!!

  14. TooManyHats | 10th Jul 09

    Life without children? Remember it? Of what does she speak? LOL – I am on the downward slope of parenting minor children with 16, 13, and 12 year olds. I see the light at the end of the tunnel 🙂

  15. Potty Mummy | 10th Jul 09

    Do posts have to have a point? Nobody told me that. Blast. (I enjoyed this one, whatever…)

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