My name is Susanna (not Suzanne, not Susie and certainly not Sue!)

  Hello! You sent me an email today addressed to Suzanne. That is not my name. My name is Susanna. That is why I put it at the bottom of my email (maybe you didn’t read it?) It’s on my biog too. There is an “a” at the end. No “h”. Though if you …

This week in Corduroy Mansions 2…

Dog who came in from the cold

So did y'all sign up for Alexander McCall's Smith's latest digital serial novel, Corduroy Mansions 2: The Dog That Came In From The Cold?

I will do anything to avoid housework and this FREE novel that gets delivered to my laptop is a perfect way to whittle my time away now that the girls are all in school

Last week we were introduced to William the wine merchant, his 28-year-old son (who only just moved out of his father's flat); William's Pimlico Terrier, Freddie de-lay-Hey; Marcia, a caterer who has (had?) her eye on William; and Angelica, a bespectacled beauty, who recently re-entered William's life. We also met Caroline and James, friends (more than?) that are recent graduates of Sotheby's Art Institute. After a surprise visit to William and a cup of tea, Angelica revealed that she worked for the Mi6 and they needed William's help…


I’m a full believer in blog disclosure. Here are some thing you should know. I accept advertising and sponsored links. These are carried on the right hand panel of my blog. Don’t get too excited, the amounts I get for these ads are very small and barely fuel a bad …

New maths + tired mum = torture


With Emily in Year 3, we are just entering the deep, dark world of hardcore homework. Until now we only had reading every evening, and spelling and maths on the weekends. But the serious stuff is starting to come … and can I say one thing? I would rather be sleep deprived and change a thousand dirty nappies than try to figure out the new maths.

Hubby was away somewhere sunny, so we went to Pizza Express (no I'm not bitter about this). We got home about 7 and my plan was to give the girls a bath and then let them chill out and watch TV for an hour.

Then I remembered about homework.

Do you have any homework?

Football: Where are all the girls?

  My oldest (7) was very excited when we moved her schedule around this term so she could play football. She is keen on the sport and has played on and off since she was three. Her early years were spent in California, where “soccer” is as popular with girls as tap or …

School dinners … PLEASE

After a rocky start, HM (4) is settling in school. Thirty four-year-olds is a lot and our school is handling the larger credit crunched intake very, ahem, creatively. The first week HM went mornings (9 – 12). The following week afternoons (1 – 3). This week she goes mornings, and gets to stay …

Hmmm, what shall I do now the girls are in school? I know, read an online serial novel!

Ooohhh, how fun! What better way to fill in my time, now that all the girls are all at school, than to be involved with an online serial novel. How cool! Corduroy Mansions 2 — The Dog Who Came In From The Cold, by Alexander McCall Smith (best known for …

Want to know how a middle class family got on at the Ocean Hotel at Butlins?

So exactly how did a middle class family get on at the new Ocean Hotel and Spa at Butlins Bognor Regis? (Butlins asked if A Modern Family would like to review the resort). Read on to find out…  and if you don’t want to follow the blow by blow events … …