The big school prep team

Uniform HM (4) starts big school in a week. Luckily she has two older sisters (5 and 7) to show her the ropes. Today I overheard this conversation…

William won't be in your class, but you can visit him at playtime. And when it's wet play you will go into his class room.


Practise counting to twenty.

(counts, missing 17)

It's not all play, you know. Sometimes you have to do really, really hard work.

(wide eyes)

Can you do joined up?

(no response)

At lunch you have to raise your hand and ask to eat your pudding.


So I wasn't surprised when HM cuddled up with me later and said she didn't want to go to big school. She wanted to stay at little school where she could play all day and not have to raise her hand to eat her yogurt.

Photo credit: Sainsburys


  1. kvwrites | 31st Aug 09

    I bet you can remember when she first came home from the hospital too…Good luck!

  2. Brit in Bosnia | 30th Aug 09

    How are you feeling? Your littlest baby about to go to school? I think that would be making me very emotional indeed! x

  3. whistlejacket | 29th Aug 09

    It’s hard being the youngest sometimes! I hope all goes well for her this week. This time next year my eldest will be going and the thought is a scary one – I have a year to prepare though.
    BTW – love the blackberry recipes on TVM!

  4. Liz@VioletPosy | 29th Aug 09

    Oh bless her, she must be quite daunted now. But I’m sure her lovely big sisters will watch out for her. Give her a cuddle from us! x

  5. Antonella | 29th Aug 09

    Hope everything will be ok for your little one. Siblings can sometimes be a bit cruel. But I’m sure they did it with their best intentions!!! LOL
    All the best. Ciao. A.

  6. A Modern Mother | 28th Aug 09

    Working Mum — good advice but too late…
    Mwa — good luck!

  7. Mwa | 28th Aug 09

    So sweet! My son’s about to go to big school. It’s exciting.

  8. working mum | 28th Aug 09

    Aw bless. Sometimes it’s better to live in ignorance where school is concerned. I know. I’m a teacher!

  9. A Modern Mother | 28th Aug 09

    Met Mum — thanks!

  10. Metropolitan Mum | 28th Aug 09

    Oh the poor darling. Have a great school start!

  11. A Modern Mother | 28th Aug 09

    Charlotte — I can link to a parenting blog if you have one…
    Dawn — good luck, mine is also terrified of raising her hand to go to the loo… she’s started her “I don’t want to go” campaign so I think next Thurs is going to be painful!

  12. Dawn/LittleGreenFingers | 28th Aug 09

    Quite frankly I’d be quite scared if I had to put my hand up for pudding… Unless it was New York cheescake in which case I would overcome my fear immediately.
    Best of luck – my 4 year old starts next month too but is in denial.

  13. Charlotte | 28th Aug 09

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  14. A Modern Mother | 28th Aug 09

    Geeky — I have to say that I prefer school uniforms, they are much easier
    Pippa — Yes, Y1 is where it all gets serious!
    Elsie — She is very lucky!

  15. Elsie Button | 28th Aug 09

    how sweet they were preping her. she is very lucky to have older siblings to look out for her. although i don’t blame her for not wanting to leave the safety of little school!

  16. Pippa | 28th Aug 09

    We are having a similar problem here, Top Ender doesn’t want to go into Year One as they don’t do play based learning…

  17. geekymummy | 28th Aug 09

    Very best of luck. The little pic you have there makes me realize how sad I am that when the time comes for mine to start school, they won’t be wearing little uniforms. I have issues with the lack of school uniform here in the US, to me it is a great leveler (no need to compete for expensive clothes), and must make getting out of the house so much easier (My preschooler can spend ages deciding what to wear). But I guess since you grew up in the US, uniforms must seem strange to you!

  18. A Modern Mother | 28th Aug 09

    Iota — I guess he was talking from experience?!

  19. Iota | 28th Aug 09

    Reminds me of when my 2nd was displaying nerves about school, and his older brother said “if you don’t go to school, you won’t know anything when you’re an adult, and that’ll be really embarrassing”. Ah, older sibling wisdom.
    Lovely story.

  20. A Modern Mother | 28th Aug 09

    2too- but now she doesn’t want to go!

  21. TooManyHats | 27th Aug 09

    LOL – they are truly preparing her for the the big leagues 🙂 How sweet that they wanted to help her.

  22. A Modern Mother | 27th Aug 09

    Emma — I think they were trying to be helpful, but…

  23. emma | 27th Aug 09

    awwww, how sweet! it’s hard being the youngest ;0)

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