Winter Wonderdland Top Tip: Where to Park £5

It’s officially the lead up Christmas and Hyde Park’s Winter Wonderland is in full swing. The modern family were guests on opening night and we all enjoyed getting into the festive spirit. There is so much to do: stroll through the Christmas market, ice skate, see the London lights on …


I first came to the UK in 1990 for a study abroad programme in Bath. I was a journalism student and had never been outside the US except for a trip to Niagara Falls when I was a kid and the obligatory Tijuana bar hopping over the border in college.  …

A football mum by numbers

First, there is the mud. I've never seen so much. On the pitch. In my car. On the carpet. This is a pic of the girls' football boots AFTER I cleaned them. Second, there is Satrudays. They are no longer yours. Satrudays are spent driving from house to house picking …

18 really good book club suggestions from mums that read (and blog)

One dayIt's book club time again! I'm always looking for suggestions on book that are interesting and entertaining yet gritty enough to spark heated discussion. I asked my mum blogger friends for some ideas and it resulted in a plethora of good reads.

1. One Day by David Nicholls. "It's about a couple who meet each other on 15th July (their graduation) and it follows their lives on the very same day until they are older. The ending is fab and totally unexpected. They're making it into a film and Anne Hathaway plays the main female character! x" (Jo Jo Kirtley)

2. The Help by Kathryn Stockett. "About the American deep south at the time when slavery was being abolished in the north. It's written from the perspective of one of the maids and is a really easy brilliant read." (Kate Takes Five)

3. Fingersmith By Sarah Waters. "By the same author as Tipping the Velvet. Victorian crime novel – lots of twist and turns in the plot and I haven't even reached the end yet…" (Kate Takes Five)

I’ve always wanted to be a big sis!

Bigsis1Many of you know I'm the founder of the BritMums community of parent bloggers,the UK’s largest and most influential network of parent bloggers. Our mission is to encourage and support our members and the high quality, ethical blogging they do. I started the network in 2008, and you could say I'm passionate about it.

Last month we started a Big Sis mentoring progarmme. I now have those three willing ears I always yearned for.

Let me introduce them…

Posh fish fingers

My latest lot of fish appeared from Delish Fish in Scotland. This time we opened the suprisingly not-so-smelly package to reveal wild haddock and wild cod fillets, all caught in the North Sea. I’m particpating in the Fish is the Dish campaign to help show that fish is easy to prepare (cue if I …

Coming soon: The Legoland Hotel


The Legoland Hotel is coming! The park recently treated the modern family to a visit and gave us a quick peak at the building site. The Windsor hotel is conviently located at the edge of the park, and there are themed rooms (pirates, kingdom and adventure) and of course LOTS, and LOTS of Lego (including a pirate splash pool).

This made my day!

I logged on to email this morning to find this in my inbox from the Shiny, Shiny site: 10 inspiring female online entrepeneurs There's Arianna Huffington, Martha Lane Fox, Caterina Fake (of Flickr), Sheryl Sandberg (of Facebook) and at number 9… Susanna Scott, Blogger and Founder of BritMums Susanna Scott is a …