My latest lot of fish appeared from Delish Fish in Scotland. This time we opened the suprisingly not-so-smelly package to reveal wild haddock and wild cod fillets, all caught in the North Sea. I’m particpating in the Fish is the Dish campaign to help show that fish is easy to prepare (cue if I can do it, so can you).
The Seafish peeps kindly enclosed the fish with a suggested recipe — Posh Fish Fingers (recipe below). Beasically you cut the fish into long strips, dip in flour, an milk/egg mixture, then coat with breadcrumbs/paremesean/smoked pakrika. Am I making you hungry yet?
Here’s my little assmebly line of four, egg and breakcrumbs. It’s very therapudic dipping and coating, dipping and coating, dipping and coating. A bit messy though.
My beautifully breaded “posh” fish fingers, all ready to go into the frying pan…
Here they are sizzling away. Sadly this is where the photos end. In the 15 minutes it took to get to this stage, they girls smelled the cooking fish, ambushed me in the kitchen and insisted they eat right away. So all of my photographic material dissapeared!
They sure was good and I am very pleased that my half Scottish girls are finally learning to like fish.
Posh fish fingers
Preparation time: 20 minutes
Cooking time: 10 minutes
500g white fish
250g breadcrumbs
80g finely grated Parmesan cheese
300g fresh parsley
1 tsp smoked or sweet paprika
2 pinches salt
2 pinches pepper
200g plain flour
2 large eggs
100ml oil if you are shallow-frying
1 lemon to garnish
How do you do it?
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