Many of you know I'm the founder of the BritMums community of parent bloggers,the UK’s largest and most influential network of parent bloggers. Our mission is to encourage and support our members and the high quality, ethical blogging they do. I started the network in 2008, and you could say I'm passionate about it.
Last month we started a Big Sis mentoring progarmme. I now have those three willing ears I always yearned for.
Let me introduce them…
Polly is from Caught Writing. Polly "lives in the middle of nowhere" and her son starts school next September. She wants to be a writer, and think she's doing a very good job of it already. She recently penned a very moving piece on Motherless Mothers. She's a new blogger, please go over and check out her creative writing (and you can follow Polly on Twitter @polyburns2).
Menai blogs at Menai's Posterous. She just moved to Chennai and is taking a career break and enjoying the life of an expat. At least that is the plan. She has a three-year-old daughter and this is her second go at blogging. Menai's blog is a great view into the life of an expat as she settles into her new home. I love this post, Dancing Memsahib, as she describes, mainly through photos, a week in Chennai. You can follow Menai on Twitter @menain.
Natasha is a young mum and lives is Somerset. She has two children, ages 23 months and 10 months (yes that is about 13 months apart!) and blogs at Love in the Nest. Natasha writes directly from the heart, and often her posts take the form of promises to her children. They are very touching and I love reading them because it reminds me of when my children were oh, so small and I was finding my way as a mum. Natasha is very active in the community, especially Twitter, you can follow her on @loveinthenest.
angelsandurchinsblog | 16th Nov 11
Such a great idea. Thank you for the introductions!
Jody Brettkelly | 15th Nov 11
Thanks for introducing us to all these great writers. I really must carve out some more time to read Britmums and visit new peeps – always love your zippy headlines and whats going on…