I love blogging carnivals. Besides being loads of fun, they are a chance to visit old friends and meet new ones. What I didn't know is that they are also an endurance test — to see if you can read 50 blog posts in 24 hours (part of the fun is that everyone sends in their entries at the 11th hour). I survived! And here's a snapshot of the best of British mumosphere…
Liz from Living with Kids is going on a diet: New Year, new diet (and no more leftovers).
Rosie Scribble writes about Blogging, taboo topics and the issue of self-disclosure.
Tim (Bringing Up Charlie) give us his ten best of 2009.
Jen at Alpha Mummy lets us in on a secret — she doesn't like some of her friends' kids.
NixdMinx asks if you would dine out alone on Christmas Day?
Potty Mummy swears that one day she will miss all the whining. Really, she will.
Have you ever ridden on a tramp? Jo Beaufoix has! Four-year-old harassment.
Tara at Sticky Fingers wonders why motherhood makes her feel so old.
Insomniac Mummy shares what it is like to be the ginger-headed kid, and asks why the bullying of redheads is so commonly accepted.
Iota ponders …. to tip or not to tip? In Christmas tips.
Sandy at Baby, Baby wonders if it is her cooking in The Toddler Food Graph.
Hari who blogs at Thank You For The Days asks whodunit …. a Christmas Special.
More than Just A Mother relates her snowy motorway tailback experience and the surprising capacity of a nappy.
Is letter writing a lost art? Kelly from A Place of My Own explores this eternal question.
Holly from It's a Mummy's Life reflects in 20:20 Hindsight.
With the birth of her new baby daughter, Babyrambles has discovered pink!
Pippa from A Mother's Ramblings gives us Top Ender Giggles: luckiest in the whole wide world.
Brit in Bosnia shares Things I have said to my children: the snowtime edition.
Ever wonder how the Fins celebrate Christmas? Heather (Notes From Lapland) enlightens us in The Naked Christmas Party.
Ellen at In A Bun Dance shares some things she learnt from her children today.
Babies Who Brunch discovers parties with kids can be fun in Happy 2010!
Mother Knows Best: Vegemitevix explores how her relationship with her mother has changed.
Maternal Tales warns us to be careful what we say in front of the children.
It's the bickering! Laura paints an excellent picture of her breakfast table in Sibling Rivalry: marrying the cereal.
Jen at The Mad House reminds us to live in the present in Spiritual Sunday.
Does an empty diary frighten you? Hot Cross Mum loves empty pages.
Angels and Urchins gives us Lady Gaga is a school run mum.
Creative Space believes! (in Santa)
Separation is never easy — no matter your age — from Learning Made Fun.
Bad Housewife evaluates her friendships.
Metropolitan Mum explains the German expression in between the years … or becoming a grumpy old woman.
Ella from Most/Least looks at the positive side of having swine flu in Snoutbreak.
Karen at If I Could Escape enjoys giving back.
Can moving day be easy? Emily at Days With The Walker Family thinks it is.
Jax at Making It Up talks about the sling thing and other parenting stuff.
SnafflesMummy tells us to fudge off (not really, it's a recipe).
Muddling Along Mummy finds her mojo and pelvic floor (knackered nethers).
The Survival Guide for Rookie Mums has a hearing survey.
Mommy has a Headache shares her 2009 Christmas letter.
Mother's Ruin has a hangover walk in Hampstead Heath.
A child's party for under £40? It's do-able (thanks for the tips Retro Wife).
Michelloui wonders … are expat parents cool or an embarrassment?
Jenny Jane Rudd relates her turf joy!
Mirror, Mirror posts about The Hello Kitty Plane (unbelievable!)
Nurture Store give us some suggestions on how to make 2010 The Year of Play!
Support4Women thinks it time for a New Year, new shape, new bra.
One Day You'll Thank Me explains the dad's role in pregnancy.
The Wright Stuff pays tribute to her muse.
The Hair Dog Chronicles has a new geeky cousin! (but he's 6,000 miles away).
And last but not least … A Modern Mother (me!) asks: are you having fun?
If you'd like to contribute to or host a future mummy blogger carnival, please check out the schedule.
Happy New Year everyone!
More Nice Mentions | 3rd Dec 13
[…] The Times (the real proper London version, not that New York based upstart) Online’s Alpha Mummy blog mentioned the Hello Kitty plane, as did A Modern Mother. […]
A Modern Mother | 8th Jan 10
FYI — it really didn’t take that long to produce this carnival 😉
TheMadHouse | 7th Jan 10
What a fantastic Carnival, thanks for including me. One laptop is fixed I have a lot of reading to get through
Magic Mummy | 7th Jan 10
This is the first time that I have seen the carnival and there are so many blogs on your list that I have never seen before.
It’s going to take me ages to go through them all but it looks as though it’ll be worth it.
Thanks for putting the time and effort in to do this….
Maternal Tales | 6th Jan 10
That’s the biggest I’ve ever seen. Oo-er! Well done you clever thing. x
Jobeaufoix | 6th Jan 10
Brilliant. There are some fabulous posts there. Thanks for hosting Susanna. As usual, you amaze me.
Michelloui | 6th Jan 10
Great list–really enjoyed ‘meeting’ lots of other mummy bloggers out there! Some fantastic tips and suggestions as well as great humour. I love Carnivals. Thanks for organising it–and for all the effort this looks like it must have taken!!!! x
Karen Sherr | 6th Jan 10
You must be shattered after reading and sorting through all these blogs. This is my first entry and participation in a carnival and I really do appreciate you including me. I’m enjoying going through all the posts although I’m sure it will take me longer than the 24 hours you had.
Thank you.
notSupermum | 6th Jan 10
That must be the longest list yet! Will have to make a cuppa before I start reading. Thanks!
Metropolitan Mum | 6th Jan 10
PS: I have tagged you over at mine with the favourite picture meme.
Insomniac Mummy | 5th Jan 10
Now that’s what I call a carnival! Lots of excellent posts!
Thanks for including mine.
Wife of bold | 5th Jan 10
Oh my god!! It’s gonna take me forever to get through this lot, never mind 24 hours more like a whole week! Well done for compiling ALL those entries, i’ll have fun reading some new blogs i haven’t visited before 🙂
Emily O | 5th Jan 10
Thanks for including me and putting this together, good to discover some new blogs!
Part Mummy Part Me | 5th Jan 10
OMG – what a great list. That should keep me entertained for quite a few coffee breaks.
BTW,I’ve just tagged you on my blog, I look forward to reading your reply xx
MTJAM | 5th Jan 10
Oh my lord – HOW MANY posts?! Fantastic carnival!
Vegemitevix | 5th Jan 10
Thanks for including my post! how do I include the badge thingy on my page?? xx
Emily W | 5th Jan 10
A nice cuppa and both boys asleep so I can now start reading, looking forward to seeing what everyone is talking about at the mo. Thank you for including mine. Happy new year and Happy blogging x
angelsandurchinsblog | 5th Jan 10
Congrats on the first of the year’s carnivals. Who’d have thought when you started that you’d have so many entries to read? Happy New Year – looks like it’s going to be a very bloggy one!
Metropolitan Mum | 5th Jan 10
Wow. Is it just me or is everyone getting breathless at the attempt to keep up? Great new (and ‘old’) reads!
itsamummyslife | 5th Jan 10
Great list. Thanks for including me. Will enjoy reading this lot – have only just finished reading the last carnival!
Heather | 5th Jan 10
i’ve gotten about half way down the list but think I’m going to have to come back tomorrow to do the rest. Thank you for putting this together, its lovely to catch up on all these posts.
Vic | 5th Jan 10
I’m gonna be stuck to the computer for days reading that lot! Nice one on all your hard work putting it together.
Stigmum | 5th Jan 10
You are amazing! Time indeed not only to put it together, but also to source the best posts within! Thank you for widening my world! Happy New Year!
Rosie Scribble | 5th Jan 10
Blimey Susanna, that must have taken 100 years to put together! I love the way you have introduced Jo Beaufoix’s post. Just brilliant! And thanks for including mine.
Lisa (WrightStuff) | 5th Jan 10
This is my first visit and participation in a Carnival as I’m new to this group – can’t wait to read all these entries…