The BMB Carnival is now hosted here.
Our little blogging carnival is now one! How quickly we have grown. The past 25 carnivals have featured more than 750 posts from over a hundred bloggers. Wow. That's a lot of whinging.
The official info is below. I've moved the carnival to A Modern Mother. Please note we're always looking for new hosts, email me at amodernmother (at) gmail (dot) com to sign up. Being inundated with 50 emails 24 hours before a carnival is quite an exhilerating experience one should do miss!
A carnival is a blogging event and "The Best of the British Mummy Bloggers Carnival" takes place every two weeks and highlights the best posts from the British mummy blogging community.
This is how it works: every two weeks a different mummy blogger “hosts” the carnival. Bloggers submit their best post from the past month — this could be your most popular post, one that has struck a chord and attracted lots of comments, or just one that they feel is their personal best. NO COMMERCIAL POSTS PLEASE. And please do not allow a company to sponsor a carnival.
The rules are one post per blogger and it must be something written in the past four weeks. Oh, and you must be British (by birth or passport or just lived here so bloody long you feel British!)
The host blogger picks the best 25 (more if they have enough energy!) and writes the carnival and the submitters publicise with a post, link, tweet, etc. It's up to the host to decide if they want to have a theme.
Clear as mud?
Trust me, this is a great way to create traffic and link love for all sites involved.
I will organise and keep the schedule on A Modern Mother.
I am always looking for new hosts — please email me at amodernmother (at) gmail (dot) com if you would like to host a carnival.
Don't have a mummy blog, but would like one? Check out The complete guide to starting a mummy blog.
Bored? Check out these previous carnivals…
The 27 October Best of the British Mummy Blogger "Halloween" Carnival
The 11 November Best of the British Mummy Bloggers Carnival
The 25 November Best of the British Mummy Bloggers Carnival
The 9 December Best of the British Mummy Bloggers Carnival
The 23 December Best of the British Mummy Bloggers Carnival
The 6 January Best of the British Mummy Bloggers Carnival
The 20 January Best of the British Mummy Bloggers Carnival
The 3 February Best of the British Mummy Bloggers Carnival
The 17 February Best of the British Mummy Bloggers Carnival
The 3 March Best of the British Mummy Blogger Carnival
The 17 March Best of the British Mummy Bloggers Carnival
The 31 March Best of the British Mummy Bloggers Carnival
The 14 April Best of the British Mummy Bloggers Carnival
The 28 April Best of the British Mummy Bloggers Carnival
The 12 May Best of the British Mummy Bloggers Carnival
The 26 May Best of the British Mummy Bloggers Carnival
The 9 June Best of the British Mummy Bloggers Carnival
The 23 June Best of the British Mummy Bloggers Carnival
The 7 July Best of the British Mummy Bloggers Carnival
The 21 July Best of the British Mummy Bloggers Carnival
The 4 August Best of the British Mummy Bloggers Carnival
The 18 August Best of the British Mummy Bloggers Carnival
The 1 September Best of the British Mummy Bloggers Carnival
The 15 September Best of the British Mummy Bloggers Carnival
The 29 September Best of the British Mummy Bloggers Carnival
The 13 October Best of the British Mummy Bloggers Carnival
The 10 November Best of the British Mummy Bloggers Carnival
The 24 November Best of the British Mummy Bloggers Carnival
The 8 December Best of the British Mummy Bloggers Carnival
The 22 December Best of the British Mummy Bloggers Carnival
The 5 January Best of the British Mummy Bloggers Carnival
The 19 January Best of the British Mummy Bloggers Carnival.
The 2 February Best of the British Mummy Bloggers Carnival.
The 16 February Best of the Mummy Bloggers Carnival
The 2 March Best of the British Mummy Bloggers Carnival.
The 16 March Best of the British Mummy Bloggers Carnival.
The 30 March Best of the British Mummy Bloggers Carnival
The 13 April Best of the British Mummy Bloggers Carnival
The 27 April Best of the British Mummy Bloggers Carnival
The 11 May Best of the British Mummy Bloggers Carnival
>British Mummy Bloggers Carnival - Muddling Along BlogMuddling Along Blog | 28th Oct 15
[…] it in…) I’ve you’re interested in hosting the carnival one week, have a look here – its a great way to get to see lots of lovely blogs you may not have seen before. […] | 14th Mar 11
Hi Susanna
I would like to host a carnival. Could you put me down for one. I should have got the hang of it by then.
Rebecca | 20th Oct 10
Hi Susanna,
I notice all the slots are filled for this year… could you put me down for one next year?
Mari | 30th Sep 10
don’t want to sound thick but I’ve found an AWOL message twice on this link
12 October will be hosted at Diary of a Single Mum. Please email entries to: kathryn (dot) freeman3 (at)
Are there new details or a new link available?
Zoe @ Playing by the book | 18th Aug 10
Susanna, could you please put a note by my details that there is a theme – books and/or play.
I’m also very happy to sign up host 26 April 2011 (or the next available date)
Playing by the book
(Hosting Aug 31st)
Alli Price | 11th Aug 10
Hi! I am loving being involved in this carnival! Could you please sign me up to host the next date available? Cheers! Alli
The bossman at wish a happy birthday | 10th Aug 10
Happy Birthday Wish to British Mummy Blogger Carnival!
TheMadHouse | 19th Jul 10
Hi Susanna, I am more than happy to take the next space for a canival – cheers | 19th Jul 10
Hi Susanna,
I’d love to host a carnival if you have any free slots
Vic | 28th Jun 10
I’ll happily take one of the empty slots. Posts to and pretty please someone remind me closer to the time. Vx
Very Bored in Catalunya | 14th Apr 10
Can I have a go at hosting one of these please, the 15th of March looks good…
Absolutely Write | 4th Feb 10
I think I’ll have a first go at entering one of these carnivals. I’ve often seen them mentioned around Blogland, but never actually taken part. Thanks!
New Mummy | 31st Jan 10
I’m up for hosting again this year, let me know if you have a free spot
sara | 23rd Jan 10
Looks like you don’t need any more volunteers- but I am always up for it-
methusula mum
geekymummy | 20th Dec 09
I popped by to see if you needed hosts, since I may have actual free time over the holidays, but it looks like a fine army of volunteers! Feel free to stick me on the list for sometime in 2010 if you have a gap though.
Ellen | 22nd Nov 09
Wow – such a long waiting list I would love to have a go at hosting a best of BMB carnival.
Thanks. x
Karen @ If I Could Escape | 10th Nov 09
Looks like a long waiting list, but would love to get on it and host a carnival!
Liz (LivingwithKids) | 23rd Oct 09
Happy Birthday! I LOVE Carnival it’s a genius idea. Happy to host it any time you need! x
CraftyCreative | 22nd Oct 09
This is a great idea, count me in, it looks like you have a long waiting list!
angelsandurchinsblog | 22nd Oct 09
Happy birthday to you, etc etc (consider yourself lucky you can’t actually hear me sing it). That’s a lot of posts, luckily far more reliable ones than anything to do with the Royal Mail. Thanks for all the great reading.
Rosie Scribble | 22nd Oct 09
What a brilliant job you are doing, Susanna. Feel free to sign me up for April 27th. I’m happy to host another one!
Thames Valley Mums Blog | 22nd Oct 09
The Best of the British Mummy Bloggers has moved house ….
The Best of the British Mummy Bloggers Carnival has moved house! Please go here for the schedule…
A Modern Mother | 22nd Oct 09
Sandy — yes of course!
SandyCalico | 22nd Oct 09
Hi Susanna,
Please would you change my email address from gmail to ymail.
Thanks, Sandy.