These damn bags are going to be the death of me

Butcher Drove to town. Parked. Dismounted. Assumed ready position; I had exactly one hour to dash to the butcher and Waitrose before school pickup.

Locked Car. Walked away. Damn. The bags. Unlocked car. Where are they? They're here somewhere. Ewwww! What's that? A mouldy grape? I really didn't need to touch that. OK, forget the bags. I'll bring the groceries back to the car in the trolley and load them straight in.

Yes, the same as last week. Six stuffed chicken breasts. And smoked salmon. Please. Yes, they loved it. And some of that soft cheese, what's it called? 

No, not in a bag, thank you. It's Recycle Week next week. I've promised not to use them. Yes, I can manage. I have two hands and will balance everything on top of the biscuits. Thanks!

OK, cream, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries. Green beans. Where's the cucumber? Pims is not Pims without cucumber. And orange. Cheese twists. French loaf. After Eights.

I'm out of here. No, no bags please. It's Recycle Week. Thanks. Yes, I paid, here's my receipt. It's Recycle Week. I've promised not to use any bags. I know, I keep forgetting them. Silly me.

Must hurry. It's almost three. Oh, what's that? There they are. Under the seat next to a half-eaten digestive. Lovely. How in the heck? Oh well, next time.

These damn bags are going to be the death of me.

Photo credit: wallyg


  1. Chloe Alice Wilson | 1st Jul 09

    Yum Pimms – it must be Wimbledon time. Oops back to the bags – very brave carrying all that shopping with no bag. I loved the bit about ‘yes I paid’. So typical!
    Cheers, Chloe

  2. Treemama | 23rd Jun 09

    i ssssoooooo admire your resolve!
    maybe wear them around your neck? a chic fashion statement?

  3. geekymummy | 22nd Jun 09

    A, the reusable bags! I can never find mine either.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog, how funny that you are a San Francisco native!

  4. Antonella | 22nd Jun 09

    Gosh, Susanna, I’m glad it’s not only me who’s struggling to remember the bags! Going out shopping now. Everything is in the car booth, but will I remember to get them out of it? Good luck in the next few days! Ciao. A.

  5. Potty Mummy | 21st Jun 09

    You know what? I think I’m just going to send you some of mine… (because yes, I have too many, because yes, once upon a time – although not now, because now I have seen the light – I always forgot mine too and ended up buying replacements…)

  6. Bush Mummy | 20th Jun 09

    Fantastic! Sounds like my shopping list too!
    BM x

  7. SandyCalico | 20th Jun 09

    Brilliant! I admire your resolve 🙂

  8. Amy | 20th Jun 09

    They are hard to keep track of aren’t they?

  9. Expat Mum | 19th Jun 09

    Ooh – can I come round for dinner? Your shopping list sounds lovely.
    And yes, you really have to inspect those bags before you put them away for future use. Things tend to grow in them.

  10. Marghanita Hughes | 19th Jun 09

    I love it!!. That was me about a year ago. It really does take sometime to make that switch, I still very occasionally forget but I always have at least one shopping bag folded up really small in my every day bag. I am so determined not to add one more plastic bag to the landfills.

  11. Iota | 19th Jun 09

    Very funny!

  12. Almost Mrs Average | 19th Jun 09

    I love you Susanna. I really do. That had me laughing my head off.
    Do keep it up 😀 xx

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