A friend of mine just moved to the area and wanted a housecleaner. I said I would ask our cleaner, Ivana, if she was taking on new clients. Ivana is from Poland and very hard working. She lives here with her 14-year-old daughter; they have a flat in the center of …
I love coffee mornings. Women get together and discuss all sorts of things that they wouldn’t dream of mentioning on the playground or at a dinner party. This week the topics drifted from Sarah Palin (the UK is actually frightened) to Jerusalem artichokes (I had no idea!) to threadworms. My …
When I was little and was bored with my four brothers and sisters – I would disappear next door to play with my best friend. We would practice endless baton routines with The Carpenters Mr Postman Please blaring in the background on a record player. I had an open invitation …
I haven’t decided if I’m going to the PTA meeting this week. Why? For every hour spent in a PTA meeting, I end up doing two hours of PTA work. And if I have a glass of wine, it will end up being three hours.
This meeting is the one in which class reps are assigned. So if I get roped in volunteer to be a class rep, it’s not just double the time, but exponentially more time.
I know that if no one else’s hand goes up for one of my children’s classes, the guilt will set in and I’ll find my arm defying my brain.
Immediately I’ll regret this. My husband’s inevitable last words will ring in my ear: "DON’T commit to anything, honey." Oooppps.
I help out primarily for the same reason I do other school volunteer work – to make my children’s education experience the best it can be.
To work or not to work? That is the question that many mums struggle over — torn between career and being there for the children.
These wars, more prominent in the US, have been exemplified with the nomination of Alaska governor Sarah Palin as Republican John McCain’s vice presidential running mate.
With five children, one only five months old with special needs, and a pregnant teenage daughter, many are questioning whether she has the time to take on such an important role, and to be blunt, whether or not she should.
I find it very difficult to juggle part-time work and three kids. I am constantly tired and struggle to get the balance right. I am in awe of any woman that is so together that they take on motherhood AND the 2nd highest post in the world’s richest economic nation. But I can’t help thinking that the reality is that one role will come first.
I volunteer as a dinner lady at my daughters’ school.
I did it out of sheer desperation. I had no idea what was going on at that hallowed institution – my daughter offers very little insight.
Before being a dinner lady, this is how our conversations would go as we made our way home:
Me: “how was school today, sweetie?”
Daughter: (looking around to see if any of her friends were still on the school premises; she spots one) “Hello Ella!”
Not sure who this woman is and why she is singing to a huge audience, but this is hilarious! …
I’m known for being a bit behind in current events. I come by this honestly (my parents still don’t have cable TV) but I’m sure it is made worse by the fact that my brain can only handle so many bits and bytes and mine is on overload with kid …