Conversations with a Polish housecleaner

vacuumA friend of mine just moved to the area and wanted a housecleaner. I said I would ask our cleaner, Ivana, if she was taking on new clients.

Ivana is from Poland and very hard working. She lives here with her 14-year-old daughter; they have a flat in the center of town above a funeral home.

She is worth her weight in gold. She actually picks up things when she dusts, instead of going around them. I can tell when she has vacuumed, the large worn Duresta sofa, which can easily accomodate 10, is slightly out of place.

She is not much on conversation. Her English is limited. The only time she makes a point to say something to me is when she wants a day off.

This is how our last conversation went:

Me: “A friend of mine is looking for a cleaner, are you taking on new customers?”

Ivana: “No, no, I can’t. I moving.”

Me: (in shock, what? I try to compose myself…)

“You’re moving? When are you moving?”

Ivana: “Tuesday”.

Me: “This Tuesday?”

(oh crap, it’s slowly dawning on me that all that time I spent explaining my system for the girls’ clothes – bottoms in the bottom drawer, tops in top drawer, Emily, Alexandra and HM, in that order, was all for naught.)

Ivana: “Yes”.

Me:  (still trying to digest the news, and slightly annoyed that she has given me very little notice, in fact if I hadn’t brought up this thing about my friend needing a cleaner she may never have said anything.)

“Where are you moving to?”

Ivana: “Across the road. Tired of living above dead people.”


  1. Jenny @ The Brick Castle | 11th Oct 13

    😀 Sorry she left you eventually – I hope she moved on to someone else who appreciated her.

  2. Clare Macnaughton | 11th Oct 13

    You have a system for your daughter’s clothes!!! Please marry me!!

  3. Muummmeeeee! | 9th Dec 09

    So funny!

  4. Mr. Bridges | 22nd Apr 09

    mmm well whoever in that picture is GORGEOUS

  5. A Modern Mother (Susanna) | 21st Dec 08

    Sad to say, Ivana left me last month! Now I have a Romanian cleaner called Maria!

  6. Iota | 11th Nov 08

    Phew, I’m glad she didn’t move away and leave you – she sounds great.

  7. Alyson, the 3 P's Mama | 6th Nov 08

    Oh I love it! Too funny.:)

  8. mik | 4th Nov 08

    I used to work with a lot of poles. Does Ivana ever say ‘like’ instead of ‘than’? It’s something I noticed, as in ‘He is bigger *like* Barry.’
    Also, the words a, an, the, some, + any do not appear in Polish.

  9. Julie@Cool Mom Guide | 4th Nov 08

    This is hilarious!

  10. treemama | 4th Nov 08

    and who wouldn’t be…..ahh, languages!

  11. bilobib | 23rd Oct 08


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