HM, my almost four year old, is a clever girl. I’ve always known that. For the past few weeks, she has refused to go to preschool. (BTW–if you haven’t read my biog, HM stands for high maintenance or her majesty, both are relevant). This has been going on since Scottish …
I should have had a clue when I spotted Emily’s favourite sweatshirt crumpled and damp on the bottom of the dirty clothes pile. Darn! I forgot to do the washing.
I don’t like Thursdays. On Thursdays I have to wake the kids, feed the kids, dress the kids, make packed lunches for the kids and get the kids to school before they lock the school gate. And we need to do this all 15 minutes ahead of schedule.
(Apologies to my English readers for my use of the word kids – but the term really fits, my children are more like bleating animals than little people.)
A carnival is a blogging event and "The Best of the Mommy Bloggers Carnival" takes place every two weeks and features recent posts from the cream of the mommy blogger community.
This is how it works: every two weeks a different mommy blogger “hosts” the carnival. The blogger community submits their best post from the past month — this could be your most popular post, something that has done well on StumbleUpon or Digg, or one of which you are particularly proud.
The rules are one post per blogger and it must be something written in the past four weeks.
The host blogger then compiles the carnival. Check out the ones below for examples.
This post is written for anyone who is fortunate enough to be married to a Scotsman. I suppose it is relevant if you are married to a Scotswoman, but I have to say I have never heard a Scottish woman brag that television was invented by a fellow countryman. Or …
One of the things that people fail to tell you when you have children is about a condition called “mummy rot”. This is the fact that 10 percent of your brain deteriorates with the pregnancy and birth of each child. I have three children. When I was working full time, …
I have a deep, dark secret. I have hidden it from my closest friends for years. I tried to hide it from my mum, but she eventually found out. My children used dummies until they were practically young adults. OK, I’m exaggerating, but it sure seemed like my life was …
I get up early. By 6.15 I am down stairs in the living room with a laptop with a steaming cup of coffee. I try to get a good hour or so of work done before the kids get up. But for the past week, HM (high maintenance), my 3 …
Our PTA financed a fantastic new playground this summer. The new play equipment is extremely popular with the children, but the downside is that we “shot the wad” so to speak. We need money. Our next major fund raiser is the Winter Ball. It’s “black tie and glamorous frocks” and …