Leave the hubbies at home: How to double your income from charity events

Our PTA financed a fantastic new playground this summer. The new play equipment is extremely popular with the children, but the downside is that we “shot the wad” so to speak. We need money.

Our next major fund raiser is the Winter Ball. It’s “black tie and glamorous frocks” and includes a three course meal at a local golf club, with a band and an auction of promises.

It should be a wonderful event. Tickets sold out the day they went on sale (at £100 a pop). I was one of the lucky ones.

The problem is my husband does not want to go to the ball. And I bet that most of the husbands do not share their wives’ enthusiasm for attending this fund raiser.


The food will be mass produced. The mums will swan off with their PTA mates, leaving the hubbies to fend for themselves on a table of men they barely know or have anything in common besides kids. On top of this you have to fork out for a sitter.

So here’s my idea: We could easily double the takings by giving the husbands an opt out clause. For a mere £100 surcharge, hubbies can stay home, put the kiddies to bed, and having a nice, quiet evening in.

Babysitting fees are saved, mums are happy chatting with their friends, and dads don’t have to pretend they’re having a good time.

It’s a win-win for everyone 😉


  1. Elisa @ Globetrotting in Heels | 23rd Jan 10

    and I bet some husbands would consider that a great offer, especially if you add some beer and the last season of 24 on dvd 🙂

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