My California garden

I have two lives, my English one and my California one. I also have two gardens.

California poppies

These are California poppies, the state flower. They self seed and volunteer their services everywhere.


A wall of jasmine covers the back fence. It smells as good as it looks.


Lemon trees are so plentiful in California the lemons often fall to the ground unused. We make lemonade.

Here's another one of my favourites, nasturtiums. They have a place in my English garden too.

African daisy

The African daisies add a bit of colour (and they are really, really easy to grow).

Cala lillies

These white trumpet-looking flowers have a special place in my heart, we had Calla Lilies at our wedding in Scotland.

What's going on in your garden?

PS — These are all taken on my iPhone!


  1. geekymummy | 16th Apr 10

    Lovely! We are so lucky here We have jasmine too, and a lovely bouganvilla that is just starting to bloom. Must take some pics!

  2. A Modern Mother | 16th Apr 10

    @nat and muddling I can smell the jasmine as I write this… kinda of like a flowery cotton candy

  3. A Modern Mother | 16th Apr 10

    @lisa I wasn’t allowed to pick them either — may that’s why they are everywhere. Would love to see you in the UK!

  4. A Modern Mother | 16th Apr 10

    @antonella if I ever get back (airports closed!)

  5. A Modern Mother | 16th Apr 10

    @@brenda just an iPhone (not app!) I wrote the post on the iPhone too. Am thinking of getting rid of my laptop.

  6. Lisa | 15th Apr 10

    I just love our state flower. As a child I was always ordered not to pick them (when they mostly grew in the wild). I also just
    love the red poppies. I may plant those in our yard.
    I hope we head out your way this summer. Will let you know. My daughter has been bugging me ever since you guys left lol.
    Had a great time today ! So nice to see you all 🙂

  7. Muddling Along Mummy | 15th Apr 10

    I’ve just planted everygreen jasmine to hopefully cover a fence in my garden – really hoping it ends up looking like that !

  8. Nat | 15th Apr 10

    Jasmine love it we had a huge Jasmine tree on our Balcony in Sydney was so nice, Lemon trees are I suspect like they are in Cali everywhere!
    We have pansies,narcissus and daffodils!

  9. Antonella | 15th Apr 10

    Wonderful! What can I say other than for me California has always meant paradise? Lovely garden…You must love your hubby really very much to come back here again and again! Hugs! A.
    PS: Please bring back a bit of sunshine and warmth with you. Cold and cloudy in the UK again!

  10. Brenda | 15th Apr 10

    OMG! You took those pictures using your iPhone?! Is it just the normal camera on the iPhone or an app?

  11. A Modern Mother | 14th Apr 10

    @hotcrossmum I would love to see the tulips in Amsterdan, lucky you!

  12. Hot Cross Mum | 14th Apr 10

    Wow – beautiful flowers. We have gorgeous tulips at the moment – from Amsterdam nonetheless! I also had cala lilies in my wedding bouquet – LOVE them.

  13. A Modern Mother | 13th Apr 10

    @califlorna not on this trip, but we may head south on our summer trip!

  14. A Modern Mother | 13th Apr 10

    @rosie what, no daffs?

  15. A Modern Mother | 13th Apr 10

    @iota Very observent, I am planting some veggies here so when we come back in the summer they will be ready … tomatoes, peppers, aubergine and some of the others that are harder to grow in the UK

  16. A Modern Mother | 13th Apr 10

    @mary umm, I guess it is then

  17. Iota | 13th Apr 10

    Beautiful! I notice that the photos of your California garden are of flowers, and the ones of your English garden are veggies.

  18. Rosie Scribble | 13th Apr 10

    Two things – I want to visit California. And I also want an iphone. In our garden (glances outside), the grass needs cutting and I need to plant a flower or two. There is a distinct lack of colour.

  19. Calif Lorna | 13th Apr 10

    Just arrived back from the UK to California. It’s always so wonderful to see all the bright colours of the plants over here compared to the UK after a tough winter.
    Are you coming down south at all? I’ll treat you to dinner at the Spaghetti Factory for old times sake!

  20. Mary | 13th Apr 10

    Well I spent two days weeding when I was there in January. Also planted the veggies, sweet peas and primroses, so I guess it is “our” garden.

  21. A Modern Mother | 13th Apr 10

    @mary well I put in some of the flowers and did some weeding, does that count?

  22. A Modern Mother | 13th Apr 10

    @madhouse & @nappyvalley we have a hearty jasmine in our UK garden, may work in your hearty climes

  23. nappyvalleygirl | 13th Apr 10

    That looks gorgeous. Jasmine is my absolute favourite – I’d love to have some in my garden.

  24. Mary | 13th Apr 10

    Does mom know it’s “your” garden?

  25. TheMadHouse | 13th Apr 10

    I am so envious. Jasmine, Jasmine, Jasmine. I NEED, WANT, MUST HAVE Jasmne

  26. A Modern Mother | 13th Apr 10

    @liz I love the poppies too, but have to “make due” with the icelandic ones for the english garden.

  27. Liz (LivingwithKids) | 13th Apr 10

    I’m incredibly jealous, because my absolute favourite kind of garden is Pacific. I’ve tried to grow Californian poppies here without success. I might try to grow Calla lillies though.

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