I look forward to the day when hubby says he will do the washing up, and he actually washes ALL the dishes including the greasy cast iron frying pan and the one with oatmeal bits on the bottom…
I look forward to the day when I can pass the toilet in the hall and not have to flush it…
I look forward to the day when I don’t have to get on all fours twice a day and clean soggy cheerios and milk from under the dining room table…
I look forward to the day when the girls don’t argue over who was first, or who gets to wear the pink Hannah Montana shirt first, or who gets to take a bath first…
I look forward to the day when we can all go to a restaurant and not get downgraded to the noisy “kid” section…
What do you look forward to?
Nursing Tank | 13th Nov 09
This is too good of a post, thank you and keep posting.
GingerB | 22nd Oct 09
How does my husband find time to be married to me and to you? Seriously, he soaks the pan I use to boil noodles, because, he says, it is starchy.
I look forward to not being the only adult in my house.
A Modern Mother | 21st Oct 09
Liz — hmmmm, that’s rasing the bar a bit…
Liz (LivingwithKids) | 20th Oct 09
I look forward to the day when the dishwasher learns how to empty itself, the lawn starts to self-mow and pockets are emptied before clothes are put into the laundry basket. I expect I’ll have a wait though!
A Modern Mother | 20th Oct 09
Lorna– ha!
Iota — good for you!
Iota | 19th Oct 09
Yes, I’m with Lorna. The sink and surrounding area toothpaste-free.
I WAS also hugely looking forward to gong to see U2 in concert, without kids, and I did that last night!
Lorna Harris | 19th Oct 09
A sink that isn’t covered in toothpaste. Too much to ask, I think.
A Modern Mother | 19th Oct 09
Angel — ooooh, yeah, that’s a good one…
angelsandurchinsblog | 19th Oct 09
I look forward to drinking a hot cup of tea. Even warm. Just not cold with a floating scum topper.
A Modern Mother | 19th Oct 09
Whistle — I hear you! We just recently got out of nappies (I had seven years of them between three children) and I feel your pain!
Lisa — yes, they grow up way too soon… (sob)
Lisa Barnhoue-Gal | 19th Oct 09
I look forward to walking down the street, flanked by two tall handsome men that call me “Mom.”
Seriously, I know it’s funnier to write about the annoying stuff (my toilets are always full AND the lids are up to boot!!), but I guess since my oldest just turned 10, I feel like it will all be over too soon—waaaahhh!
whistlejacket | 19th Oct 09
I look forward to the day when I’ll no longer have to change nappies. I potty trained my eldest early because I hate nappy changing so much. But with a 16 month old and another one due I’m going to be up to my elbows in them for some time yet (what a nice thought).
A Modern Mother | 19th Oct 09
Expat — think of the possibilities — PJs all day?!
Expat Mum | 19th Oct 09
I look forward to the day when all my kids can walk the two blocks to school on their own and I don’t have to get out of my PJs. About another 6 years I think.
A Modern Mother | 19th Oct 09
Rosie — yes, that would be nice wouldn’t it…
TooMany — I suspect that’s the case with me too.
TooManyHats | 19th Oct 09
Well, I’m actually at the place where all your dreams come true EXCEPT #1. I don’t think that will ever happen.
Rosie Scribble | 19th Oct 09
Where do I start?
I’d like to be able to go to the bathroom on my own, have a telephone conversation without being interupted, not have to do all the cooking and cleaning, not to have to keep repeating myself!!! Point made, I think!
A Modern Mother | 19th Oct 09
Catherine — LOL!
Bosnia– yep, squabbles is a good one…
Josie — I get sleep and still feel groggy!
Very Bored- ohh, forgot about that one!
Very Bored Housewife | 19th Oct 09
I look forward to the day that I get some control over the TV remote, when Peppa Pig is considered so last season, when wee is directed into the toilet bowl and not around the rim, when snotty noses can be blown by their owners…
Josie @Sleep is for the Week | 19th Oct 09
I look forward to the day when I feel groggy from too much sleep, I get to wear a sexy none-nursing bra, I get to contribute to our household’s income AND I don’t have to wash nappies anymore xx
(that is… until we decide to do this all over again and have another one…)
Brit in Bosnia | 19th Oct 09
They can sort out squabbles on their own, I don’t have to wipe a bottom, they can play football together without me, I don’t need to listen to the Muffin Express 1 million times in a row in the car.
But, I’ll miss it really. I think…
Catharine Withenay | 19th Oct 09
I look forward to the day my son sits still at the dinner table … or voluntarily picks things up off his bedroom floor … or recognises that if he loves pizza so much he must like both cheese and tomatoes …
Cloud cuckoo land??
A Modern Mother | 19th Oct 09
SPD – I guess that one can always live in hope!
SingleParentDad | 19th Oct 09
So you are expecting those things to actually happen one day?
I love your glass half-full mantra 😉