I did it again; I forgot the bags!

CBeebies You'll know what that means if you're following my promise to re-use my carrier bags for Recycle Week. I failed. Again. I forgot the bags.

I took the girls to Tesco because I promised them each a magazine as an award for being good last week. Yes, I know all that plastic junk will end up as landfill, but let me tackle one eco-issue at a time here, and not try to boil the ocean.

As they were looking over their choices, an image of the inside of our fridge popped into my mind: there was enough milk for my coffee tomorrow morning (but not cereal) and there was only one yogurt and no sliced ham for lunches. I guess I had better pick up a few items while I was here to avoid mayhem in the morning.

Damn. The bags. They were in the big handbag I take into town. Not my little wallet I had in my hand nor in the boot of the car.

After Iota challenged me to be a bit more creative, I thought again and realised I had three little girls with me and between us we had four pairs of hands. So when the checkout lady asked if we needed bags, I politely declined. I gave Alexandra the sack of apples and pears, HM carried the bananas and a bag of Doritos, Emily lugged a six-pint jug of milk, and I balanced mince, yogurts and red Leicester cheese on top of the magazines.

We got some strange looks as we walked out of Tesco, but at least I can write this post and not feel guilty.

And yes, I have put some bags in the boot of the car!

I think I'm ready for next week…


  1. Jo | 23rd Jun 09

    I pledged last year and still manage to leave bags in car or at home.
    Resorted trying to carry things out of shop by hand if whole family is there but have actually been stopped by security guards as we look as if we have grabbed and ran.

  2. Mrs Green | 20th Jun 09

    Wahee! Brilliant and you’re right; most of us are blessed to have two strong arms and hands, so let’s put them to good use like you did. Brilliant!

  3. John Costigane | 19th Jun 09

    Well done for trying to reduce the use of plastic bags. I stopped using them a year ago and have not looked back.
    With a family, you might need several reusable bags. A gradual change would allow the chance to perfect the practice.
    Zero Waste is a bigger change which many of us have taken up. The home waste issue is then totally transformed.

  4. Half Mum Half Biscuit | 18th Jun 09

    I have a huge cupboard full of used-once plastic bags if you need more. Your honesty is refreshing! Have plugged you and Recycle Week in my latest post. (I’m too new at this to know if you let people know that, or if they know that already…)

  5. Treemama | 18th Jun 09

    That’s my girl!
    I’m putting my post up tonight. At least you’re getting your goofs out of the way this week!

  6. Almost Mrs Average | 18th Jun 09

    LOL…that still happens to me sometimes and normally it’s when I’m on my own.
    Wait till you try using a bag-for-life at a Tesco self-service till. It’s a nightmare.
    I’m loving your write-ups and I can’t wait to see how you get on next week. 😀

  7. Potty Mummy | 17th Jun 09

    I promise I’m not ignoring this tag, Susanna, I just had a couple of other things to get out of the way first (and some bags to locate, obviously…)

  8. Expat Mum | 17th Jun 09

    I would love to see the look on the check out people’s faces here if I parked a dozen used plastic bags on the conveyor belt. They just wouldn’t be able to cope!

  9. Iota | 17th Jun 09

    Yay! Go you.
    Your next challenge: learn to walk with one of those jugs of milk balanced on top of your head. Then you could feel really proud of yourself as you strode out of the supermarket!

  10. Metropolitan Mum | 17th Jun 09

    I see. Spaghetti Napoli for more than a week in a row was not so popular as an idea 😉
    Happy that you found other ways out of the dilemma!

  11. TooManyHats | 17th Jun 09

    Your example is making me not want to join the challange if it comes to my side of the ocean. Oh my, I would be right in your shoes, I just know it and I don’t need that extra guilt – I am already a mother, I cannot take anymore. Good for you for declining the bags at check-out.

  12. SandyCalico | 17th Jun 09

    Brilliant, thinking outside the bag!

  13. SingleParentDad | 17th Jun 09

    Brilliant, and good on you. I have almost got my hessian shopping bag protocol locked down, but still make quite a few slips, but like you like to make do without the bags. Just decanting my shopping straight into my boot, stuff like that.

  14. clareybabble | 17th Jun 09

    Um recycle week is next week isn’t it?! So you can redeem yourself!! x

  15. Maternal Tales | 17th Jun 09

    For a whole week??? Wow!! That is a sacrifice…My forfit was just for a day! You’re very brave. Hope it works out…

  16. A Modern Mother | 17th Jun 09

    I won’t be allowed to use Twitter for a whole week!

  17. Maternal Tales | 17th Jun 09

    I’m doing the bag pledge too – but justs ince today so I haven’t managed to fail just yet!! Normally I bring the bags with me but leave them in the boot of the car. Am going shopping tomorrow – let’s see how I do. What’s your forfit?

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