Friends forever

HM, my four-year-old, was sitting on my lap last night; a snuggly warm bundle, still glowing from her bath. Her straw yellow hair had the faint smell of summer.

“Mummy,” she said looking at me intently with her father’s blue eyes, “I used to be best friends with Madison, and now I hardly see her.” She paused waiting patiently for my mummy-knows-everything answer.

It’s true. Madison left at the beginning of term to go to another school. We had a playdate with her yesterday, which is probably what prompted her comment. Some friendships are like butterflies, flitting in and out of your life. But how do you explain this to a four-year-old that just wants the comfort of colouring in with an old friend?

“That happens sometimes sweetie. You’ll still get to see her, we were just at her house.”

“Yes, but not for very long,” she sighed, still searching my eyes for an answer. “I used to play with her every day”.

True again. They were inseparable at pre-school. Always in the Wendy house and chasing the boys.

“You can still stay friends with Madison. Forever. Just think of her every day and say hello in your head. I’m sure she’ll say hello back.”

She looked up at me, squinted, then asked “Mummy, how do penguins make pancakes?

“I don’t know. How honey.”

“With their flippers.”

Photo credit: ron marshall


  1. British Mummy Bloggers Carnival - Rosie Scribble | 31st Mar 14

    […] at A Modern Mother gives us a moving post about Friends Forever reflecting on her 4-year-old’s question about a friend who has moved away –  a situation we […]

  2. Maternal Tales | 9th Jun 09

    Aaaah – what a beautiful post – and a gorgeous gorgeous photo. My eldest one asks about friends who’ve moved away quite a lot – it always makes me sad. And also how strange that I wrote a post yesterday called Friends Forever? without having seen this post…until now! There must be something in the air!

  3. Jo Beaufoix | 9th Jun 09

    Oh that post made me fill up. I love it how they can be all sweet and vulnerable and melt your heart to butter, then they say the most hilarious random thing and put the biggest smile right back on your face. Lovely post.

  4. laura | 9th Jun 09

    Lovely pic – i love the way she went from friends to penguins in a split second, thats kids for you.

  5. Treemama | 3rd Jun 09

    boo lost a friend this year, unfortunately, she moved away. school has been difficult for her, all these crazy girls with all their crazy personalities, i wasn’t ready for this yet.

  6. working mum | 2nd Jun 09

    We’ve got the same problem, but it was my daughter who left. I keep trying to arrange for her to see her best friend from her old school, but we can never quite manage it. Must go and try again …..

  7. KindaSassy | 2nd Jun 09

    We landed back in Canada back in November last year and Bronwen is still talking about Mika who was her friend back kinder back home in Australia… is breaks my heart.

  8. Part Mummy Part Me | 29th May 09

    So sweet! Next time I am tempted to lament a faded friendship, I will be thinking of penguins and pancakes. Much better to think of happy things 🙂

  9. Glamumous | 29th May 09

    Aww, it’s quite sad though. My daughter is best friends with a girl from nursery but unfortunately our families live across town from each other (this particular nursery is well worth travelling to!). At the end of the summer term, our girls will be going to different schools. I’m sure my DD will be very sad that they won’t be able to meet everyday after this.
    I hope your little angel doesn’t stay sad for long and I have no doubt she will always remember her best friend 🙂

  10. A Modern Mother | 29th May 09

    Tara — yes a girl thing!
    Turnitup — the pancake thing really made me laugh.
    2TooMany — I guess there’s a lesson in that.
    Zoo — Thanks!
    Mia — Yes, good friends are like that.
    Margarita — She has her good moments!

  11. Lisa | 29th May 09

    That is tough. Most of my daughter’s friends moved or transferred to different schools, but I don’t recall her being especially devastated.
    I hope she can continue to stay in touch with her friend!

  12. Margarita | 28th May 09

    LOL! What a cute little darling!!

  13. Mia Dickinson | 28th May 09

    That is so true about the butterflies but I do honestly believe that when the butterflies always come back, its like they never left!

  14. zooarchaeologist | 28th May 09

    Im going to remember the butterfly thing, how sweet. Theres a lemonade award for you at mine, if you fancy it. I tried to convert it to wine but im not that good at photoshop…

  15. TooManyHats | 28th May 09

    That is the bliss of being 4 – never dwell on anything too long.

  16. turnitupmom | 28th May 09

    Oh, that is such a sweet post. I love your butterfly analogy for friendship. It’s so true though; kids move on faster than adults. Time to flip the pancakes!

  17. Tara@Sticky fingers | 28th May 09

    I think it’s a girl thing!
    You answer the question, she moves on.
    Either that or she has so much scrambling around up there in her brain, questions just fall out randomly!

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