Zero tolerance Fridays


I hate Fridays.

Those that regularly read my rants also know I don’t like Thursdays. No, I don’t despise every day of the week. It’s just on Fridays I’ve seem to have developed a child intolerance. Especially in the morning. I wake up with a severe aversion to those cute little girls who turn into cunning little gargoyles in the whole breakfast/getting dressed/get to school debacle.

Mondays are fine. We keep the weekends fairly open (though there always seems to be a birthday present to wrap and party to go to). But mainly it is appointment free. So by Monday I again have the patience of a nursery school teacher. Yes darling, I can make porridge for breakfast. No darling, how about we do that after we eat and get dressed. Please don’t poke your sister in the eye with a pencil, sweetie pie, you’ll blind her for life.

Everything runs smoothly until, say about Thursday, when my tone starts to take on a subtle change. Do you REALLY need to play that recorder while I am cooking dinner, HONEY. How about you just COLOUR instead? O-KAY?

Being organised doesn’t help. I organise my life to death. Our toys are in boxes. My personal papers are thrown into a pretty green box that sits in the office. I even have a birthday present drawer, full of small gifts appropriate for every relevant age group. I organise blogger carnivals, blogger networks. Everything has a place. I like it that way.

But no matter how much I prepare for Friday mornings — pack lunch the night before, reading done and recorded and in the book bags, clothes warming on the radiator — there is always a minor problem. The children.

Today is was Elizabeth. She’s been very entrepreneurial recently, and her favourite activity is setting up “shop” where she puts her wares on sale … boats made of coloured papers and toothpicks, cut out papers with pretty pictures … it’s very sweet really.

But not when we are trying to get ready for school. This morning she wanted to set up shop. I said not-on-your-life-you’re-eating-your-breakfast-and-getting-dressed-first. She said she wasn’t hungry, then paraded around in the buff. I tried to catch her. Get dressed. No. Yes. No, you’re mean mummy. Meanwhile the other two were dressed and enjoyed the entertainment.

We eventually made it to school. And as I walked home, slowly unwinding, thinking about the mug of coffee and croissant waiting for me, I bumped into a fellow Friday hater.

I don’t know what it is about Fridays, she said. Things just don’t seem to go to plan, and she bent down to try to buckle her squirming toddler into the pushchair, to try to avoid dealing with an escapee in the pouring rain.

Deep breaths, she said, take deep breaths…

Photo credit: tyla


  1. Treemama | 25th Jan 09

    I’m with you on Fridays, but believe it or not Saturdays are my worst day.
    First never know if ex is getting girls.
    Second, tired from long work week paired with sense of responsibility to put house back in order.
    Third, does anyone else feel like all you do is set table, cook meal, wash up and then five minutes someone else is saying, “I’m hungry”.

  2. Expat Mum | 25th Jan 09

    OMG Iota – I was just asking the Ball & Chain what we used to do before kids. Granted it was almost 16 years ago, but we were married for 3 years before she came along. We hadn’t a clue. Couldn’t even imagine. How did we fill in those endless hours?
    These days, I am ruthless in the morning. The TV doesn’t go on until the shoes are on, the backpack is at the door with the coat, mittens and hat at the ready. I am too old and can’t be arsed with it any more.
    They soon learn.

  3. Iota | 23rd Jan 09

    When we worked, and pre-kids, we all loved Fridays. What happened?

  4. Working Mum | 23rd Jan 09

    I hear you! I have a strict “No faffing” rule for school mornings. Trouble is, I have to get husband to adhere to it, too!

  5. Joanne | 23rd Jan 09

    “Time to go brush your teeth and get ready for school guys” – Monday through Thursday
    Monday through Friday – “mummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm………..”
    9.10am Monday through Friday – “ahhhhhhhhhhhh” (me breathing sigh of relief as there is only now 1 child in the house and he’s about to go for a long nap……)

  6. TooManyHats | 23rd Jan 09

    Thank goodness this happens on Fri and not Tues – it would be a really long week that way.

  7. Potty Mummy | 23rd Jan 09

    Oh those morning conversations… No, I can’t read you a story. Because it’s the morning. You have to go to school. Yes, you ARE going. Would you like to go back to bed instead? Because that’s what you do if you’re not well enough to go to school. No, you can’t have television and lie on the sofa. I know papa does it when he’s ill, but… And so on.

  8. Laura | 23rd Jan 09

    My zero tolerance day is Thursday. The 2 year old doesn’t go to pre-school and instead has to be dropped at the childminder. This is unacceptable to him and I have to wrestle his shoes and coat on then fold him into his car seat followed by ‘pretending to be jolly’ singing in the car and then pushing him up the path to the childminder. I turn into a shouting red faced horror and the 4 year old ends up weeping on her way to school.
    It’s horrible!

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