Alexandra came out of reception today with chocolate smudged on her face and a ripped open package of Maltesers in her hand. Half were still stuffed in her cheek, bulging like a hamster.
Who's birthday was it today? I asked knowingly.
I'll give you a hint. It starts with a wah, she said slipping her slightly sticky hand into mine.
No silly. That's not a name.
Who was is it then?
Photo credit: lwr
Alexander Residence | 12th Jun 11
I said it outloud to myself and giggled. Lovely post.
Dia | 10th Jun 11
So cute! I can’t wait until my little one starts talking!
Jo Beaufoix | 3rd Mar 09
Ahhh that;s so cute. Miss M says her ‘r’s like that too and I love it. 😀
Treemama | 1st Mar 09
i will be so sad when boo finds her “r” because i am enjoying the “wh” just way too much.
Homeofficemum | 27th Feb 09
Love that!
Iota | 27th Feb 09
Aw, cute.
kate City Wife | 26th Feb 09
How sweet. My daughter, Belle is in reception too and learning to read and write which is both exciting and a little sad if you know what I mean. She’s the youngest and no
kate City Wife | 26th Feb 09
How cute, my daughter Belle is in reception too. Learning to read and write with the amazing Miss Shaw aka Mary Poppinsxxx
Thatgirl39 | 26th Feb 09
Definitely the fault of the Maltesers! It’s all the honeycombe… OK it must be tea time as I’m drooling now!
TooManyHats | 26th Feb 09
Too cute!
Tara@Sticky Fingers | 26th Feb 09
Aww, that’s adorable.
I talk like that too when my mouth is stuffed full of chocolate . . .
plumsource | 26th Feb 09
haha! Wonderful!
Courtney | 25th Feb 09
We have a squirrel that we feed each day who my daugther decided to call Boombah. He often takes off after his feeding frenzy with a face full of peanuts… and now all I can imagine is a little girl with bulging cheeks! Very sweet.
Noble Savage | 25th Feb 09
That’s adorable.
Expat Mum | 25th Feb 09
Yesterday was “F” day at school so the little guy picked up his Spiderman phone to take in. I don’t think he was convinced by my explanation at all.
Almost Mrs Average | 25th Feb 09
Isn’t she just gorgeous. For me, W is for Wombles 😀 x
Felicia - I Complete Me | 25th Feb 09
That is too cute! I love it.
Alisa Bowman | 25th Feb 09
What a sweet story. The English language is so complicated. You realize that when your kid is learning to read and write and says stuff like, “Cinderella starts with S,” and you have to explain the whole hard and soft C thing. Not to mention the silent letters… oh, how any of us ever learn how to read it beyond me.
Antonella | 25th Feb 09
So sweet! My daughter’s best friend is called Sawah (that’s why she calls herself!). Ciao. A.
Brenda | 25th Feb 09
With maltesers in your mouth, she is probably correct.
Rosie Scribble | 25th Feb 09
Hey! Rosie is a great name!! And I’ve been called Wosie many a time. Kids say the cutiest things!
SingleParentDad | 25th Feb 09
Wossy goes to your kid’s nursery? Impressive.
Mothership | 25th Feb 09