My handbag is a hot spot

Three mifi As a blogger, lots of really interesting products come my way. But by far the one that I have been given to try and loved the most is the Three Mifi. 

It's a small black gem that fits nicely in the palm of my hand. But it's not just sleek and pretty; think dongle on steroids! It's a mobile broadband modem that connects up to five devices. It turns your handbag into a mobile hotspot!

Mifi has become good friends with iPad (the  basic Wifi one I bought while in the US). It really comes into its own when I'm on the go and on a train to London or in between meetups and in a coffee shop. I've even used him on long haul trips in the car on the way to visit our Scottish relatives. It turns down time into productive time. That's good when you are a mum and time on your own is limited.

In fact, I'm not the only one who thinks this device is fab. In 2010 MacWorld gave it Best iPad Accessory  and T3 awarded it Gadget of the Year.

Three prides itself on it's 3G networks (as opposed to other providers which are a combination of 2G and 3G). My iPhone data reception is crud on the way into London (which is ironic as I pass O2 on the way!) But I can plug in the Three Mifi and ta-da (!) I get data. It's also great with my netbook.

As far as the device itself goes, it is intuitve. I NEVER read instructions. You basically press a button on the right side to turn it on and off. The only thing you really need is your access code, which is printed on a small laminated instruction card which I keep on in my purse.

My only complaint is that it played havoc with our wireless printer. It took hubby a couple days to figure that one out.

I've looked into purchasing one for myself. You can get 5mg a month (which is plenty) for £15.99, plus a one-off charge of £39.99 for the modem.

Woe is me. Mifi is going away. Sob. Goodbye little Mifi, I will miss you! Please come back and visit. Sniff. iPad says goodbye too. Life just won't be the same without you. Wail. Don't worry about us, we'll be OK. Off you go little one, go get another mum addicted to you!




  1. Michelloui | The American Resident | 8th Feb 11

    Actually, this is quite a cool gadget!

  2. Peggy | 6th Feb 11

    That’s brilliant! I need one like this!

  3. Edie Mindell | 6th Feb 11

    Great!!! I want that one too. I will try convince my hubby to buy one for me. Thanks for the review.:-)

  4. A Modern Mother | 5th Feb 11

    I actually convinced Scottish hubby to buy one!

  5. A Modern Mother | 5th Feb 11

    My hubby loves it too, we often fight over it. I rarely have strong feelings about a product but I truly do love the Mifi product.

  6. geekmummy | 5th Feb 11

    It struck me when I was away at weekend paying £10 per day for Internet access on a single device in my hotel that in really should look into getting a MiFi instead, so I was interested to read your review. Now I just want one even more!

  7. Expat Mum | 4th Feb 11

    What? You don’t get to keep anything? Now that’s just cruel.

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