Isn’t that just the picture of motherhood?

I’ve been asked to help highlight some of the best photos for the Hallmark Picture of Motherhood Competition (I know, I know, stranger things HAVE happened.) I’m sooooo disappointed my entry didn’t make it (it’s the one to the right — of me with the three kids velocroed to various parts of my body.)

Anyhoos, the judging is Monday up in Bradford. I’m so bummed I can make it as I really wanted to meet fellow judge Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen. I don’t watch much television, but I think I have seen every episode of Changing Rooms (remember that show? The one where the designers were tasked with re-doing a room for under £500 … as in OMG, I can’t believe they actually used the cardboard from old packing boxes for flooring?!)

But I need your help … I have all the finalist photos here … take a look, there are some fab ones below… which one do you think encompasses motherhood? (no snarky remarks please).

Picture of Motherhood short-listed entries:

Over 18 Category

1. Miriam Owen
Description:  Because it captures the vulnerability and beauty of Motherhood in an understated way that makes you think.


2. Amanda Firth
Description:  There is nothing more beautiful than a mother and daughter laughing together.


3. Donna Evans
Description: This image represents memories and Halcyon days.  A Mother and child enjoying a day at the seaside.


4. Penny Baird 
Description: The smile between mother and baby captures the ‘picture of motherhood’

5. Colette Mellor
Description: ‘A Mother’s love…is a lifelong love’ My photo represents motherhood lasting a lifetime and I need my FANTASTIC mum as much now as I did when I was a child


6. Jenny Downing 
Description: A Mother protecting her child from the heat of the midday sun…Taj Mahal, Agra, India

Under 18 Category

7. Charlotte Frank (age 17)
Description: My Mum is my best-friend.  Here she is with my sister and myself last summer on holiday that she saved for so that we could all go and be together!

8. Elizabeth Johnson (age 14)
Description: Mother and child gaze out to see together, who knows what is on the horizon.

9. Alice Curtis (age 14)
Description: Mum’s make everything FUN!

10. Heather Smart (age 17)
Description: I took this image to portray the magical bond between mother and child, and the importance of motherhood which I think deserves to be recorded.

11. Claudia Bish (age 14)
Description: My image shows Mother, Child and nature. It shows the simplest things in life are the best, for instance having the chance to bond with your Mum.

12. Umera Noreen (age 16)
Description: The photograph symbolises a mother never lets go of her children, because Mothers are caring and responsible.

So which are your favourites?


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  4. lacoste observe | 11th Aug 11

    I’m kind of erring towards picture number 6. We are constantly wanting to protect our children and that to me, sums up motherhood to perfection.

  5. Heather Smart | 31st Aug 10

    I am the photographer of number 10 thankyou for your kind comment. i am glad u like it. Heather

  6. cheap nfl jerseys | 4th Aug 10

    I do like #7 too because it’s not schmaltzy, but one daughter’s head is partly cut off so I’m not liking it as much as I could.

  7. NFL Jerseys | 19th Jul 10

    Oooo, difficult choice. Just looking at the comments you can see how people like different shots. I personally like number 2, but that’s because I identify with the mother and daughter theme; most of the time it’s just me and daughter so that picture would be my idea of heaven.

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    A longstanding myth holds that Shah Jahan planned a mausoleum to be built in black marble across the Yamuna river. The idea originates from fanciful writings of Jean-Baptiste Tavernier, a European traveller who visited Agra in 1665. It was suggested that Shah Jahan was overthrown by his son Aurangzeb before it could be built.

  9. Luschka | 25th Mar 10

    I love number 5. I think it’s really clever!

  10. MrsW | 25th Mar 10

    3, 6 and 12 – and I’ve just noticed that’s an arithmetic progression to boot 🙂
    Wish I’d known about this sooner – I would have enjoyed a stab at £1000 worth of camera equipment!

  11. Tara@Sticky fingers | 25th Mar 10

    I love the term ‘kids velcroed to me’ so very very true and a great pic of you S! You’re a winner in our books. x

  12. Pippa | 9th Mar 10

    Oooh I entered this comp too, but I figure my mum and I eating hotdogs didn’t get into the final rounds…Sad times.

  13. Iota | 9th Mar 10

    No 6 and no 9. Am I too late?

  14. A Modern Mother | 9th Mar 10

    Winners being announced today …

  15. Muddling Along Mummy | 8th Mar 10

    Great photos (although I do love the velcro kids one much too)
    Oh and I sat across a catwalk from LLB last week at a fashion show – he’s lovely !

  16. Dulwich Divorcee | 8th Mar 10

    All lovely images, I’ll go for 10 but prefer your velcro!

  17. English Grandma | 8th Mar 10

    No 4 gets my vote there…but I really really loved yours….should have been included in the finalists!

  18. Solveig | 7th Mar 10

    No 12 for me – particularly once I’d read the description with it, it made my eyes well up.

  19. Working Mum | 7th Mar 10

    Oooo, difficult choice. Just looking at the comments you can see how people like different shots. I personally like number 2, but that’s because I identify with the mother and daughter theme; most of the time it’s just me and daughter so that picture would be my idea of heaven.

  20. laura | 7th Mar 10

    You’re coming to Bradford on Tuesday? You’ll have to pop in for a cuppa!

  21. snafflesmummy | 7th Mar 10

    My votes would be for numbers 2 and 11.

  22. Dara | 7th Mar 10

    I love #12 – just the perfection of that image and I like that it’s a little dirty (notice that none of the beach shots show children covered in caked on sand and mommy with tangled hair from the wind?)
    I do like #7 too because it’s not schmaltzy, but one daughter’s head is partly cut off so I’m not liking it as much as I could.
    #4 is one that catches my eye, but the more I look at it the more it looks posed and polished too much to really be about motherhood.
    #8 is good. There’s something missing from it that I can’t quite put my finger on (perhaps the child half-hidden behind her mom and that the desciption only mentions one child?).
    I like #11 too, but it’s not obvious it’s a mother and child – could be two sisters.
    Very indecisive aren’t I. Imagine that helped a lot . . .

  23. Antonella | 6th Mar 10

    Like them all but n. 1 is my favourite. No background, no fuss, just vulnerability and love. Ciao. A.

  24. Brit In Bosnia | 6th Mar 10

    No. 9 and No. 2 for me.
    But I have to say, I prefer yours! Feels more like a Mum and less like a Hollywood movie about being a Mum (and not quite getting it right!)

  25. TooManyHats | 6th Mar 10

    Adult category #3
    Under 18 category #12

  26. Emily O | 5th Mar 10

    I like number 4 and number 8. I like velcro too – I often look like that at the moment!

  27. Expat Mum | 5th Mar 10

    I’ll just dream about it instead!!

  28. Deer Baby | 5th Mar 10

    Probably the Penny Baird one. But they’re all a bit schmaltzy for me. Bit too Athena. But hey – that’s Hallmark for you. I’m sure I would have preferred yours.

  29. A Modern Mother | 5th Mar 10

    @expatmum Could you make Monday? How’s your yank accent? No one would know
    @califlorna sorry, can’t feel sorry for anyone who lives on a beach

  30. Calif Lorna | 5th Mar 10

    I love the last one – holding hands even when they’re covered in mud – that’s like a daily event for me!

  31. Expat Mum | 5th Mar 10

    I CANNOT believe you didn’t ask me to go meet Lawrence L-B in your place. Aarrgghh!
    Anyway, I vote for number 4 in the first category – just very alive and fun. And number 12 in the second category. I love the pink tint. (My daughter’s been studying photography for two years now so I have delusions of knowing what on earth I’m talking about!)

  32. Heather Davis | 5th Mar 10

    No 2. I just like that it’s the most natural shot with no heavy editing. Holding hands and enjoying each other’s company.

  33. PippaD@ A Mothers Ramblings | 5th Mar 10

    All of them are great, I love 6 and 4 (did you know thats me in 4? ROFL) but I think they should all win!

  34. A Modern Mother | 5th Mar 10

    @mahala I know what you mean.. can’t quite articulate it, that was one of my favourites too

  35. Mahala | 5th Mar 10

    #6 in the over 18 cateogry and #12 in the under 18 category – they get my votes.
    In both cases I think they show more than just one thing. #12 has the never letting go thing, but I liked the fact that they were filthy too – seems to be the case when me and Bean get creative, we always end up covered in paint/food/glue etc.
    I just really liked the image in #6. Protection, but there’s just a hint of passing on something too, be it culture, experience, beliefs, whatever. I liked it.

  36. A Modern Mother | 5th Mar 10

    @louisa I really liked 7 too, I hope I can take a photo like that when my girls are older

  37. mrs_moons | 5th Mar 10

    No. 3 for the over 18 catagory, for me!

  38. mrs_moons | 5th Mar 10

    11 or 12 for me. Mums are not just mums of babies.

  39. amotherworld | 5th Mar 10

    Penny Baird’s photo, for sure!

  40. Louisa Clarke | 5th Mar 10

    Number 9 – mums make everything fun – the under 18 category was a bit more ‘real’ for me. I also liked number 7.

  41. Mags (@mmeeee) | 5th Mar 10

    I love #1 and #4 made me smile.

  42. TheMadHouse | 5th Mar 10

    I am a sucker for sea shots so, 2 3 4 and 9

  43. jennifer turner | 5th Mar 10

    i love the first one..i know it’s really simple but i think it represents such a vital part of mothering, that of gently protecting something more fragile than yourself.
    i also like the two girls with their mum, it has a huge sense of fun and close relationships. x

  44. A Modern Mother | 5th Mar 10

    @mummybear what about 7, that one is not so arty? on a mission to find the velocro shot…

  45. Mummy Bear | 5th Mar 10

    If I am REALLY honest, they are all beautiful but very ‘arty’, which isn’t really how I see motherhood. I am gutted the velcro shot isn’t there! If I had to pick one, i would be NUMBER 12, because thats what P and are look like after Messy Play!

  46. A Modern Mother | 5th Mar 10

    @nat thought that one was orginal too, still no one likes my fav!

  47. Nat | 5th Mar 10

    Numbers 5
    I am hard critic though being a photographer so I like to see something different representing the obvious.

  48. A Modern Mother | 5th Mar 10

    Still, no one has picked my favourite one!

  49. A Modern Mother | 5th Mar 10

    @mary liked that one too, very holidayish
    @workingmum I liked that washing too, thought it was original… not as keen on the stylised ones, also, I think Hallmark was working with what was sent in?@liz another vote for the tongue out baby, that is a popular one

  50. Liz (LivingwithKids) | 5th Mar 10

    I like no 4, it makes you smile instantly and it just seems the most natural. Not keen on the very stylised ones, although I realise it’s for greetings cards…

  51. Working mum | 5th Mar 10

    Why are so many of the picturs of mums by the sea? I’m not so keen on these idealised backdrops. I agree thats it disappointing that Hallmark want to portray a sugar-coated image of motherhood. For me, motherhood is all about the fact that your kids can be covered in mud, or vomit, they can have tried your patience to the limit all day, you can be almost zombified with no sleep and STILL you love them. I wish there was a picture of a mother in the middle of a chaotically disordered house, holding a grubby sleeping baby in her arms and smiling at it. But failing that, my vote goes to Number 5, the one with the washing line.

  52. mary | 5th Mar 10

    I’d like my vote to go on picture 3 please.
    They are all lovely, but this one really does tell it as it is.

  53. A Modern Mother | 5th Mar 10

    @rosie yes, that one reminded me of a holiday…
    @claire yes, the muddy hands … think I changed the duplicates now…
    @peebee interetsing, no one has actually picked my favourite one yet
    @tatoo ah, the tongue out baby!

  54. peabee72 | 5th Mar 10

    WOW, how to make a choice? I like the more anonymous ones, so my faves in order are 3,9 and 12.
    All beautiful though,

  55. Claire (The Bump Wear Project) | 5th Mar 10

    Number 12. Love it.
    Two are the same though…

  56. Tattooed_mummy | 5th Mar 10

    No 4 Penny Baird gets my vote too – lots of the others are beautiful but that one is very alive and natural too

  57. Rosie Scribble | 5th Mar 10

    I love number 8 by Elizabeth Johnson.

  58. A Modern Mother | 5th Mar 10

    @jen I liked the retro one too, thought it would resonate with generations, grannies, etc.
    @karin That one is sweet too, the tongue sticking out! Am frantically looking for the velcro photo … must be on my old laptop…

  59. Crystal Jigsaw | 5th Mar 10

    I’m kind of erring towards picture number 6. We are constantly wanting to protect our children and that to me, sums up motherhood to perfection.
    CJ xx

  60. Karin @ Cafe Bebe | 5th Mar 10

    I LOVE #4- Penny Baird! That’s my vote! 😉
    PS- Can we see you picture please??

  61. Jennifer@alphamummy | 5th Mar 10

    I love the Donna Evans picture – yellow cast and slightly fuzzy. very retro!

  62. A Modern Mother | 5th Mar 10

    @tassy I was joking about my entry … but I will post it if I can find it, its a fab one me when the girls were small.

  63. Tassy | 5th Mar 10

    you know, im really disappointed that your “velcro” picture wasn’t listed! In the end, that’s what every day is about for us! Yes, its all lovely and beautiful and sepia when you step back, but for mothers everywhere, its really just packed lunches, nappies and lego underfoot. How sad, though inevitable, that Hallmark just want to go down the rose-tinted road!

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