I was harrassed into this by Emma, Bush Mummy, More than Just and Mother, Everyday Mama Drama and Home Office Mum.
I didn't want to do it. But here it is. A random photo of me and my brood.
It seems like just yesterday. Living large in La Jolla (pre credit crunch). A stroll on the beach. A babe in each arm, and another at my feet.
Sheer bliss <cough, cough>.
If feel sorry for me, don't. Here's a screen cam of the beach that was at the end of our road. Just checked the weather in La Jolla — 23C today. Did I mention we are enduring the worst snow storm in 18 years!
So remind me again, why do I live here?!
Treemama | 8th Feb 09
wow. to have more children then arms. i cannot imagine, but that’s a great photo.
as time goes by you make me happier and happier that i’m on this side of the pond!
maggie | 8th Feb 09
oh La Jolla! where i was married, on the beach, and my sil lives now. nice to find you. such sweetness in a picture!
Bee | 4th Feb 09
You must have fit arms!
La Jolla . . . even the name sounds warm.
blogthatmama | 4th Feb 09
Fantastic picture. Is the one on the ground velcro’d to your leg? Bet they’re keeping you warm during the snowstorms though!
Julia | 4th Feb 09
Great picture – that’s about what I feel I looked like when I flew with my then two (now three) kids by myself – except I picture my hair standing straight up.
A Modern Mother (Susanna) | 4th Feb 09
2Too — You are always one step ahead…
Audrey — If only I could go back in time and appreciate 70 degree weather year round, rather than winge about no sleep…
H. Office Mum– yes, why are YOU here?
Joanne — you are right, the snow is fab, but would we love it so much if it happened more often?
Bush — you’d love it there, beach, sand — did I mention my 2-yr-old at the time used to eat fistfulls of sand?
April — thanks for the paper dolly tip
Expat – choices
Coding — Two is harder than three,and no one told me!
Antonella — La Jolla is really a jewel.
Jo–but of course
Tara — thanks
Iota — smarty bum
Iota | 3rd Feb 09
Snowmen. You love building snowmen. Perhaps that’s it. But hang on. We hardly ever get snow in England. It must be because you love rain.
Tara@Sticky Fingers | 2nd Feb 09
I LOVE that picture. Perfectly encaptulates the word ‘mum’!
Jo Beaufoix | 2nd Feb 09
Ahhh lovely picture. And did you make snowmen today? 😀
Antonella | 2nd Feb 09
Wow, did you really live in La Jolla? One of my favourite spots in the world when I visited the USA a million years ago, ie. b.C. (=before children). I sometimes dream to win the lottery and move to San Diego or San Francisco. Instead I’m still here in cold England. Love your photo, i bet they are lovely children! Take care. Ciao.A.
Coding Mamma (Tasha) | 2nd Feb 09
Great pic. Does nothing to dispel my wonder at how anyone can manage three or more children. Or, actually, two or more!
Expat Mum | 2nd Feb 09
No – that’s my question. I live in Chicago!!
April Mitchell | 2nd Feb 09
This is a great pic!
Bush Mummy | 2nd Feb 09
Errrr? Why are you not still there? 73’f…??? Can I go right now please???
BM x
Joanne | 2nd Feb 09
Great picture. I usually think “why do I live here” every day, but today, with fresh snow, children playing (no fighting), dogs running in the drifts looking cute, making snowpeople…..it was one of those rare days where I was actually glad to live here!
Homeofficemum | 2nd Feb 09
FAb pic. Wish I was there. Good question, why do we live here??
Audrey | 2nd Feb 09
Cute picture though it probably didn’t feel like it when it was being taken. And you didn’t have time to notice/took for granted the good weather.
TooManyHats | 2nd Feb 09
Oh that brings back memories. Now, see posting that wasn’t so hard, was it?