Disclosure - I received free tickets to this event.
I could hear the sobs from where I was sitting (in the loos at the O2). It was an hour into a Miley Cyrus concert and I needed a "nature break"; my cohort NixdMinx and I had treated ourselves to some much needed glasses of wine. If you are not familiar with Cyrus, she is better known by her Disney manufactured alter ego, Hannah Montana: a squeaky clean teen girl who is secretly a pop star in the hit television series and movie. She is so popular that her 10-date "Wonder World" concerts in the UK sold-out in ten minutes.
The sobs sounded like they were coming from a little girl about my daughter's age, perhaps six or seven. Her mother was trying to console her.
"Don't worry darling, it's not the end of the world." More sobs.
"Let's go back in and watch her now." The sobs turned to sniffs.
"You'll still be able to see her on television." With that the sobs took on a life of their own.
What was all the crying about? Hannah Montana. She wasn't there. In her place was a racy 17-going-on-30-year-old that rode a Harley, wore leather shorts and grabbed her groin. I had read all the reviews and prepped my girls: We were going to see Miley Cyrus NOT Hannah Montana. But it's hard to separate the two (Mummy, Miley IS Hannah) and it looked like much of the preteen audience was not prepared for a grown-up Miley. Many sat in their seats with wide eyes, thinking their Disney Channel idol had gone loopy.
It happens to everyone. They grow up. Their innocence slowly disappears with the baby fat and they become adults that want to make their own way in the world. Why would we NOT think this would happen with Miley? With only one more year on her contract filming Hannah Montana, Disney has been working with her to help break into an older audience (why not just stay with her fans as they grow?)
The Last Song, staring Cyrus and to be released this Spring, is a Touchtone Pictures (Disney brand) film that is perfect for Cyrus' transition. Written by Nicholas Sparks (best known for his novel/film The Notebook), it's about a teenage girl that spends the summer with her estranged father in an effort to get to know him better. I've been told the film is NOT FOR KIDS, ie. it deals with some adult themes (you can read about the plot here). Watch the trailer, it looks good.
Back to Miley and the O2 … she did take mercy on the young audience and sang four songs from last summer's blockbuster movie and television series (including the Hoedown Throwdown and The Climb). One of my daughter's favourite parts was when she was in a big fluffy white wedding dress and flew around the stage. Oh, and the bit when she appeared on stage in an ice cube. Water seemed to be a theme. Perhaps a symbol of rebirth?
I'm sad because Hannah Montana holds a special place in my heart– not to mention the hearts of MILLIONS of pre-teen girls. My six-year-old is her NUMBER ONE FAN. The appeal? Every mum little girl secretly wants to be a pop star. I spend hours with my daughters dancing to the Hoedown Throwdown. It's fun! Hannah Montana doesn't swear. She does the dishes. There's no violence.
My six-year-old summed it up. As she snuggled in my lap with the O2 lights blazing and the girls screaming she said she is still Hannah Montana's Number One Fan and that seeing the grown-up Miley "was better than nothing".
Disney, I sure hope you have something up your sleeve to fill this gap.
Photo credit: nixdminx
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WrightStuff | 14th Jan 10
Reminds me of the time I met a Fimble when I happened to be at Bray Film Studios when they were recording them. I was all set to tell a friend’s child, when they stopped me. “She thinks they’re real” she hissed…. “don’t spoil the illusion”. When I had my own son I became much more mindful of such matters! I used to love how my son believed all builders were called Bob!
A Modern Mother | 13th Jan 10
Iota — forget all the details … we all just want to sing and dance and have an audience!
Angels — that would not surpise me as well
Blueskhi — I guess the might be MC fans as they get older …
Nappy — that is the worry, isn’t it?
Expat — She does great interviews, amazing she is only 17.
Iota | 12th Jan 10
I just hate the feeling that we are all so manipulated by the big corporations. Disney is just one example.
And when you say “Every mum little girl secretly wants to be a pop star”, I’m wondering why that is, and why lots of mums encourage it. Do pop stars live happy, fulfilled lives?
I’d better shut up before I get too boring on the subject.
angelsandurchinsblog | 12th Jan 10
I’ve always wondered when the ‘real’ Miley is going to appear. I can’t help but think this latest version is as manufactured as the last, and she’s going to turn around at the grand old age of 24 or something and want to work out who she actually is.
blueskyhi | 12th Jan 10
Our family has a HM allegry – probably becaue we have two boys. I feel for that little girl because she has probably just realised that nothing will ever stay the same.
nappyvalleygirl | 11th Jan 10
Oh dear, I hope she doesn’t become another Britney, cavorting in a school unifom and then seriously stuffing up her life. I shudder at the thought of Disney ‘encouraging her to break into an older audience’.
Expat Mum | 11th Jan 10
When you hear her being interviewed, she is incredibly old for her age and has been for the last couple of years. She’s dating (or was until recently) a guy who’s quite a lot older than her, so I think her parents have already let her grow up quite quickly.
A Modern Mother | 11th Jan 10
Met Mum — oh dear, sorry about that, I guess this is too much to think about with a baby girl!
Metropolitan Mum | 11th Jan 10
What do you mean, ‘it happens to everyone.’??? The thought of little, riding a Harley in leather shorts, grabbing her groin makes me slightly sick.
A Modern Mother | 11th Jan 10
Woman Who Can — that’s cute
Too Many — I guess you had to deal with Mary Kate and Ashley growing up?
TooManyHats | 11th Jan 10
I’m sure it was a shock to many Hannah lovers, but if Miley wants any sort of a career as an adult I guess she needs to start making moves in that direction. Thankfully, mine were all too old when Hannah Montana became popular.
Woman Who Can | 11th Jan 10
I’ve only just got to grips with the fact I think my 11 year old son has a crush on Hannah Montana. I’m so ready for him to have a crush on a grown up Miley! Thanks for the tip off…
A Modern Mother | 11th Jan 10
Diney — scam sites? Yikes. That’s terrible. My daughters love the Jonas Brothers, but they must be close to growing up too.
Diney | 11th Jan 10
That is so interesting! As a surprise Xmas pressie, we bought tickets on-line months ago to take my 10 year old devout Hannah fan to Manchester on 28th Dec. I booked the train and an overnight stay,and was hugging the secret with glee for a couple of months before Xmas.
Three days before Santa came (!) I realised the tickets hadn’t actually arrived, so e mailed the site to see if we could collect them at the door…….the e mail was returned as no address existed…the phone number given didn’t exist….it had been a scam Miley Cyrus website!
Apart from the fact that the tickets had cost us (luckily paid on a credit card so we can claim back) and the hotel allowed 24 hours notice of cancellation, we did lose our train fares and, also, the great surprise. HOWEVER, having read this report, I am really delighted that it happened. I did have my misgivings, as I dip into the programme with little E and have noticed more and more that it is a teen love interest scenario most of the time now as, inevitably, little Miley herself has grown out of the slapstick friendships storylines.
As you say, let’s hope Disney step in soon and find an alternative. Jonas Brothers are good but, as mentioned in one of my early blogs, the age group is really 14/15 year old screaming girls, not 10 year olds, although the programme is very like The Monkees that I used to watch when I was 10!!
A Modern Mother | 11th Jan 10
Antontella — still trying to get my head around it!
Jen– I would have thought it would be brand thing with Disney and they would want tighter control over it.
Frog — you are so right.
Frog in the Field | 11th Jan 10
Hmm, I don’t think it was a good idea to take a six year old to a Miley Cyrus concert, and I’m surprised you weren’t advised of this. She has been doing more adult performances for some time now that have no resemblance to Hannah Montana. Had you taken a teenager with you, you would have loved it as would they.
Jennifer@alphamummy | 11th Jan 10
I’ve always found the alter ego thing a bit confusing, especially since they’ve tried to sell Miley as sexy whereas Hannah is so wholesome. My daughter loves Hannah although we don’t have the Disney channel so exposure is kept to a minimum. Looks like the same thing can’t be said of Miley at her concert!
Antonella | 11th Jan 10
Glad my daughter is not a Hanna Montana’s fan! Never liked her. But I suppose you could relate to this with regard to other kids’/teens’ idols. Like for adults as well, I think that it is rather rare that your on-screen character does not disappoint you when you meet him/her live. We fall in love with someone who does not exist and we are disappointed. it happens all the time. So sorry your daughter had to start experiencing this so young. All the best. Ciao. A.
A Modern Mother | 11th Jan 10
Michelloui — I have no doubts that Disney is on top of this…
Michelloui | 11th Jan 10
Thats a really interesting post, very thought provoking. Interesting that Disney didnt see this coming–you would think they would have ‘reinvented’ herfirst then sent her out as the new grown up Miley. Glad your daughter saw a way to enjoy it!
A Modern Mother | 11th Jan 10
Geekymummy — I can almost see it, this dream I’m dreaming ….
Muddling — yes!
Muddling Along Mummy | 10th Jan 10
Interesting issue – Milly needing her space to grow up vs. her fans need for her to stay as Hannah Montana
geekymummy | 10th Jan 10
Lucky kids though, getting to go to such a show. It looks like a lot of fun. I confess to rather liking “the climb”, she is pretty talented, that Miley. I hope she make sit through the pitfalls of stardom,
A Modern Mother | 10th Jan 10
Liz — I can’t help but think that Disney made her popular and question how she will do out of the HM mold.
Rosie — she was quite matter of fact when she said it … better than nothing …but I could tell she was dissapointed. It was sad!
Rosie Scribble | 10th Jan 10
I actually felt quite sad reading that post. Not because Miley has grown up, that’s inevitable, but because I know my daughter (aged 6) would have been expecting to see Hannah Montana and would probably have been hiding in the toilets too. Even the line “better than nothing” seemed sad too.
PS Hope you managed to find something suitable to wear in the end!!
Liz (LivingwithKids) | 10th Jan 10
Very interesting. As you know I was supposed to be going to this but couldn’t make it and I’m sorry I missed it, actually. I just hope Miley’s allowed to grow up at her own pace and doesn’t become another Spears-style car crash. And as you say it will be interesting to see who fills the gap.