OK, this is proof I need a break.
Last night I woke up around 3 am. The sheets slightly were damp. My heart dancing in my throat. It was all so real.
My worry? I had a blog somewhere that I needed to update. I just couldn't find it. I couldn't remember what clever name I had christened it. Tired Mummies? No. Mummies on the run? No. Mums Need Drugs? No. No. No.
Oh, where was it? I knew it must be in need of a new post and it must be time to respond to comments. Where, where, where?
I often have these kinds of nightmares. When I was at University, I waited on tables to help pay my way. Then I used to have waitress nightmares. The same scene would play over and over in my mind — my whole section was seated at the same time and everyone ordered teas and soup. Loads of tables with small children and frantic mothers asking for something for the kids and I had to explain that we had run out of saltine crackers.
See ya'll Monday!
PS — this is a recycled post!
Photo credit: MaiseTora
scribblingmum | 27th Feb 10
It’s marginally better than the dream where you wee yourself I suppose.
geekymummy | 27th Feb 10
Oh my, go grab a nice big glass of wine!
Jennie | 26th Feb 10
When I worked in a delicatessen I used to have nightmares that I’d not put the trolley full of meats and cheeses in the walk in fridge at the end of my shift – there was always about £900 worth of food on the trolley, and I had a scary boss, so it was a terrifying dream! I’d wake up and stay awake ages, trying to convince myself that I had put the food away properly!
Heather | 26th Feb 10
Crikey lady, sounds like you really do need a break!
Iota | 25th Feb 10
I sometimes have blog insomnia, ie I wake up in the night for some reason like hearing one of the kids go to the bathroom, and then I can’t get back to sleep, because I’m lying in bed writing blog posts in my head.
Expat Mum | 25th Feb 10
Yes – time to put your feet up and your keyboard away for a while!!!
Antonella | 25th Feb 10
LOL! You really need a computer/blog brake! Switch everthing off and no replies until at least Monday! Ciao. A.
Liz@VioletPosy | 25th Feb 10
((HUGS)) Go and have a break lovely. You deserve it xx
Mwa | 25th Feb 10
I dream of blogging, too.
A Modern Mother | 25th Feb 10
@angelsandurchins It is nothing like it, and salty not sweet, but the equivalent here would be a digestive http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saltine_cracker
angelsandurchinsblog | 25th Feb 10
Heck, that sounds scary. Hope you have a really relaxing weekend and don’t even see a computer. PS. what are saltine crackers?
mediocre_mum | 25th Feb 10
I’ve had the same waitressing nightmares. I used to work in a restaurant while in university nearly 15 years ago and I still have the odd one now and again! Enjoy your break.
SmartLivingDiva | 25th Feb 10
I’m glad I’m not the only one! I work checkout and quite often have checkout dreams – no rest etc. etc.!
EmmaK | 25th Feb 10
I am even more sad. Last night I had a dream about various people messaging me on twitter. One sent me an ‘I am now unfollowing you’ message in my dream which sent me in a tailspin. Twitter dreams indeed…I have sunk to a new low of computer addiction!
Liz (LivingwithKids) | 25th Feb 10
lol, I’ve had nightmares where I’m writing features in my sleep but not the blog one yet… suspect it’s only a matter of time!
nappyvalleygirl | 25th Feb 10
I’ve never had a blog nightmare but had plenty of deadline nightmares during my weekly mag days. The other one I get when I’m really stressed is trying to get somewhere, but not being able to because I don’t have a ticket or any money etc.
Cheeky Wipes Helen | 25th Feb 10
I’ve yet to have a blog nightmare but often have work related awakenings….it helps if I write down what I was thinking about, that usually gets me back over to sleep!
A Modern Mother | 25th Feb 10
@thanks ladies, you won’t be hearing much from me in the next few days while I de-blog.
Sarah Ebner | 25th Feb 10
I think you need a bit more time away from the computer! I still dream about exams when I am stressed. It’s usually to do with an imminent exam for which I haven’t studied properly. Awful!!
Have a good weekend (and break!)
Emma | 25th Feb 10
I hope you have a lovely weekend & have a well deserved blogging break! 🙂 x
TheMadHouse | 25th Feb 10
I have never had a blog nightmare, but I used to dream off numbers when I was an accountant. I hated it!
I hope you have a great weekend
Jennifer Howze | 25th Feb 10
oh my god. you need a break!
that sounds a bit like my reality though – i know there’s something i should be doing, if i could only figure out what…
Rosie Scribble | 25th Feb 10
Ah! I recognised the blog nightmare. Sounds like you need a break! Have a relaxing weekend.
muummmmeeeeee...... | 25th Feb 10
Your blog nightmare sounds much less frightening than the waitressing one!