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There are two ways to do this — through an "RSS reader" or by email.
I’m new at this, how exactly do I subscribe with RSS?
RSS stands for “Really Simple Syndication”. It is an easy way for blogs and Web sites to send updates to their subscribers. An RSS feed provides a list of recent content posted on a blog, with links to each new page. When you subscribe to an RSS feed, you’re automatically notified whenever new content that’s of interest to you is posted.
To "subscribe" to an RSS feed, you’ll need to install an RSS News reader, such as Google Reader. Then look for the orange RSS icon and click on it (on this blog, you can subscribe here). Fill in the info as requested. Once you’ve subscribed, the RSS reader periodically checks the feed to see if any new content has been posted. When you check your feed in your reader, all you have to do is click on the articles that interest you. Easy peasey lemon squeezy.
Still confused? Watch this video "Google Reader in Plain English".