Sarah Palin has an amazing effect on women: either you want her to be your best friend or you think she's the reincarnation of the devil. These are not voluntary reactions, they are visceral, much like at a medical exam when the doctor lightly taps your knee and it goes flying.
Why? Why when someone mentions her name do I break into a cold sweat and start swearing uncontrollably? A woman politician should be a good thing, right? My girls need role models. I'm the same age as Sarah Palin. We were both cheerleaders in high school, and then went on to major in journalism. I should identify with her.
The issue I have with Sarah Palin is her unworldliness. When she touted her international trump card as "Putin flies over my airspace", I cringed for all of America. She doesn't know what she doesn't know. How could she? With America's delicate reputation at stake, this really would not be helpful.
No, Sarah Palin does not speak for me, please sign the petition.
Lisa | 17th Oct 10
I’m not threatened by Palin AT ALL. I seriously do not think she’ll serve in higher office. I think the majority of Americans are pretty level headed. It’s always the extremists and the idiots that get all the media attention.
Just my .02 🙂
Expat Mum | 15th Oct 10
I’ve signed this and wrote a long piece about her on PowderRoomGrafitti. I believe she does all women a disservice no matter their politics, because she’s uninformed, self-serving and unwilling to debate the issues. (And so is her minion, Christine O’Donnell).
When women enter politics, being thick as a plank makes viewers and voters everywhere take female politicnas less seriously.
Stylecartel | 14th Oct 10
Can you give these away as Christmas presents.
~Mama | 13th Oct 10
Glad to hear I’m not the only one who launches the uncontrollable swearing function when the Palinator comes up. I vote for Tina Fey. Blerg.
Lindsey | 13th Oct 10
I’m so with you on this. Her influence/popularity thus far scares me… I hope she goes away!
Susanna | 13th Oct 10
Would be interesting to hear about it from your perspective/location….
Susanna | 13th Oct 10
I found one! Post coming…
EmmaK | 12th Oct 10
Palin is absolutely dreadful on every front. I will sign the petition!!
nappyvalleygirl | 12th Oct 10
Yes, you’ve definitely promised a cheerleader post before. We demand it!
Sarah Palin? Give me Tina Fey any day…
Strictly Jen | 12th Oct 10
I met an Alaskan cyclist in France this summer and he asked me to tell lots of people that Sarah Palin does not speak for most Alaskans. This seems the perfect opportunity for me to do so!
Jennifer Howze | 12th Oct 10
Ha ha. I was a cheerleader too! But the big shocker in this post is that A Modern Mother swears (!!!).
Agree with everything you said about Palin. We can’t be complacent about the effect she’s having.
A Modern Mother | 12th Oct 10
OK, I’ll get that right away.
A Modern Mother | 12th Oct 10
I’ve been promising this for a while, haven’t it. Let me see if I can dig one up, most of them are in my parent’s garage…
Pants With Names | 12th Oct 10
I’m with Iota on that one – a cheerleader? We need a video or photographic evidence!
Iota | 12th Oct 10
You were a cheerleader? Can you post a video? Photo at the very least.