OK, is it just me? Everytime I pass the loo in this house, there’s, erm, you don’t really need to know the details, but I need to flush. It happens so often that now I have developed AFR (automatic flush response).
Please humour me and take this quick survey.
Do your kids flush?
Thanks for indulging. I plan on writing a press release with the results. Am feeling giddy with the headline options.
Photo credit: bookgrl
Online Survey Tool | 21st Dec 12
Awesome Survey! No doubt cool and amusing. I have discovered much useful stuff out of it. I’d love to go back over and over again.
A Modern Mother | 16th Mar 10
OK, the results are in.
102 responses.
78% Don’t FLUSH
Kris | 12th Mar 10
Mine flush, unless they have something better to do… like watch tv or play a video game. Then I go: “Did you flush?” “Oh!” Child runs back. Comes out. I go “Did you wash your hands?” “Oh”… out again “And dry them off on the towel?”… and so it goes on. They also don’t close the door or turn the lights on or off as the case may be. I’ve learned to live with it but then I keep having to remind them to close the door when there are visitors!
snafflesmummy | 11th Mar 10
Snaffles flushes but only becuase when I was trying to get him interested in the potty i used to take him in with me every time and let him flush the loo.
Cathy D | 10th Mar 10
Hey Annabel, the sad thing is every time I see a floater and grumble to myself, I know in five years time I’m going to miss this. It’s just another sign of how dependent my children are for the littlest, and sometimes quite big, things, on me and their dad. One day, I’ll look in the pan and only shiny porcelain will gleam at me. It’ll be a sign that they’re gone (and I’m constipated with rage or fear) and that their dad went at the office. Love, Cathy from ‘the class’. BTW 3 in under 3 years, mazeltov
PlayPennies | 10th Mar 10
I go with the philosophy heard in Meet the Fockers…
If it’s yellow let it mellow. If it’s brown, flush it down!
A Modern Mother | 10th Mar 10
23.8 Flush, 76.2 DON’T. What’s happening, it started out so well.
Jennifer Howze | 10th Mar 10
I always have to remind my daughter. sometimes she’ll wash her hands, but not flush. bizarre!
Nat | 10th Mar 10
Nope Eliza doesn’t. Always a mad dash if we have visitors lol
Helenprev | 10th Mar 10
I got so fed up with mine (aged 11, 9 and 5) not flushing that I made a sign saying ‘Please flush the toilet EVERY time!’ and stuck it next to the toilet!
It worked for about a week. Now they just ignore the sign and ignore the flush, and I am back to the automatic flush reaction every time I go past, just like you!
I’m so glad it isn’t just our house…
A Modern Mother | 10th Mar 10
32.3 Flush, 67.7 DON’T (31 replies)
Hot Cross Mum | 9th Mar 10
Actually, he flushes sometimes but NEVER after I really would have preferred him to! Oh sorry, are we talking about the children here….?
Expat Mum | 9th Mar 10
I think you need a “one of them doesn’t” option. My man-child never does and by the time I realise it, it’s because the whole house reeks. Gah!
A Modern Mother | 9th Mar 10
36% flush, 64% don’t!
A Modern Mother | 9th Mar 10
@vic yes, mine “remember” to flush at school too, ha ha
allegra | 9th Mar 10
cool blog!
Vic | 9th Mar 10
I’ve got an automatic response which shouts ‘seat! flush! hands!’ If only they could make a machine to do it for me. Apparently the boy remembers at school, it’s just at home he forgets.
A Modern Mother | 9th Mar 10
@gappy look forward to that one
@bosnia didn’t think of that option, must be a boy thing
@maria how kind!
A Modern Mother | 9th Mar 10
OK, we’re now at 40% flush, 60% don’t flush (23 responses)…
A Modern Mother | 9th Mar 10
@mummeee yuk
@susie show off
@heather yup, that’s my house too
muummmmeeeeee...... | 9th Mar 10
No they do not and one of mine leaves trails of sticky poo down the pan where he sits forward reading his book…
susie | 9th Mar 10
My kids flush. 🙂
Heather | 9th Mar 10
Definitely not just you! Very funny. My kids are hopeless. What’s worse is sometimes when they’ve done a no 2 there’s no toilet paper in the bowl either. So now when I catch them coming out of the loo, I say “Have you wiped, have you flushed and have you washed your hands?” Like I have nothing better to do right?
Gappy | 9th Mar 10
Mine don’t either!
At least the boys don’t, even the 11 year old – in fact he’s worst of all! It drives me round the twist!
And frankly, I think the novelty will wear off soon enough for the 3 year old too. Or perhaps girls just have a tendency to be more thoughtful toilet users.
Christ, there’s a whole new post….
Brit In Bosnia | 9th Mar 10
Not such fans mine, but if Mummy is sitting in the loo in hope of a quiet moment, that is when the loo must imperatively be flushed WITHOUT delay. You didn’t have that option on your survey though. x
maria | 9th Mar 10
My kid flushes the toilet, which kind of makes up for the fact that he doesn’t lift the toilet seat when he pees but that is all a different issue….
A Modern Mother | 9th Mar 10
OK, I just checked the survey results …. it’s 50/50 so far…
A Modern Mother | 9th Mar 10
so it is just me?
Metropolitan Mum | 9th Mar 10
Well, she loves the flusher. Especially when mummy sits on the toilet.
Iota | 9th Mar 10
There wasn’t a “sometimes” option…