So, it's just another Friday evening. I got the train home early, stopped by Tesco to pick up something for the school cake sale, popped a pizza in the oven for the girls' tea and spoke with Sarah Jessica Parker for a half hour!
BritMums were supposed to talk with Sarah Jessica last week, when she was here for the press junket for her new film, I Don't Know How She Does It. But I guess with her appearance on Jonathan Ross and trying Scotch Eggs and learning to correctly pronounce McVities, we got bumped. Our PR contact said she really wanted to speak with mums, and the interview would happen, but I had my doubts. Why would a celeb mum, who is rumoured to have a zillion nannies, want to speak to us everyday mums who are mucking our way through life?
Celeb or no celeb, what quickly became apparent is that women struggle with wanting to have it all. It is no different with Sarah Jessica. We chatted about all kinds of stuff: Making time for "dates" with our husbands, balancing work and kids, not wanting to be away from our little ones for too long, settling kids into preschool, babysitters, cheating on bake sales.
After a while I felt like I was just speaking to another working mum who was trying to do it all. Thankful that we have the opportunity. Slightly dizzy from being pulled in a million different directions. Loving every minute of it, even when we get it completely wrong.
You rock Sarah Jessica, for being a mum, for trying to have it all, for admitting you are not perfect and for taking the time to chat with five BritMums on the release day of your new film.
Metropolitan Mum | 7th Oct 11
Can’t wait to see the movie. I guess you are right – no matter how much help you have, it’s always a struggle to combine everything. Women tend to take on more and more and more, and the more someone else take things off your mind, the more you take on other things. Plus, the responsibility always stays with you, and, I am sure, the guilt is the same for all of us, too.
caroline enstock | 25th Sep 11
Sounds like a great day !
Part Mummy Part Me | 23rd Sep 11
That is sooo cool! Love your new blog tagline…I don’t know how you do it either, and do it so well 😉
aconfusedtakethatfan | 19th Sep 11
How very exciting. I love SJP xx
Expat Mum | 18th Sep 11
I was thinking about this only the other day. Yes, most normal mums have to do all the driving, cooking etc, which makes life hectic, but even mothers who have a lot of help have to keep on top of it all. It’s not easy when there are other demands.
Jen Stanbrook | 18th Sep 11
That’s some Friday afternoon! Love SJP, fab that you were able to interview her!!
Lisa m | 18th Sep 11
How exciting! I ADORE Sarah Jessica Parker and I cannot wait to see that moviev(love Kinear too). So awesome you got to interview her.
Lunarossa | 17th Sep 11
Wow, Susanna, what an exciting life you do lead! Mine is just focused on kids, home and translating boring court case documents/claim forms (not to mention, fighting with my prolapsed disc lately!). Ciao. A.x