Have you been following my little project with O2 Recycle? I recycled my shattered iPhone and O2 was kind enough to track her journey from my house to new owner. The poor little darling was so nervous when she left here. I didn’t have the heart to tell her I got £157 for recycling her.
Well, in my last post she was in Scotland in the recycle warehouse and getting gussied up. I think she had time to visit the inlaws.
I have just had word that she in now in Hong Kong! Wow. I’ve never even been to Hong Kong. How exciting.
I’m just waiting on word about her final owner. But for you enthusiasts out there, here’s what happened to her after she got off the cargo flight…
My little darling arrived in the warehouse in style!
Here she is out of her box, being checked and put together with like-minded phones, waiting to be auctioned off.
Nothing but high tech for my baby. Here she is being scanned. How official. Now comes the auction.
How embarassing! Being inspected by traders from Hong Kong & mainland China. They want to make sure she works!
A bid is in! I have no idea how much this is for, but don’t you think they should add a few more Hong Kong Pounds to it? (she’s worth it).
All the bids are in, and being recorded.
And the winner is … the buyer will be notified via SMS!
All boxed and ready to be picked up by the buyer.
Stayed tuned to find out where my little darling ended up. A Hong Kong teen? On mainland China? Inquiring minds want to know.
Aristel | 11th Jan 13
Nice blog. There are some useful information in your article. Very interesting.
Hybrex | 3rd Dec 12
Nice, accurate and to the point. Not everyone can provide information with proper flow.
Recording Systems | 21st Nov 12
Your work has always been a great source of inspiration for me. I refer you blog to many of my friends as well.
D | 30th Mar 12
i had heard of this before.how much is the charge for this service? by the way, send free text messages at textme4free.com
Hannah | 3rd Mar 12
Brilliant! Your international jet-setting phone! Quite a bit of money for a broken phone, I have to say! Great blog 🙂 x
Jody Brettkelly | 23rd Feb 12
Wonderful, I am vicariously going on the journey with her. I can’t believe you got so much for a shattered phone – well done you!
Cheap Prams | 21st Feb 12
How fab is that? What a great thing, I never knew they did that, I always thought that they take your phone apart to get specific parts out to sell on. Well I never, you DO learn something new everyday! Thanks.