My name is Susanna and I’m addicted to the Internet.
Well, not really, at least that it what I would like to believe. How do I know? I took the Net Addiction Center’s Internet Addiction Test (IAT), and it turns out that I’m an average online user. *Wipes brow* Though I may “surf the web a bit too long at times”, I am “able to control my usage”.
I’ve been researching Internet Addiction since last summer when my husband handed me this Sunday Times feature: The Digital Obsession that is Driving us iCrazy. He thought it would be a good topic to cover at the big blogger/social media conference we put on each year at BritMums (where I’m a co-founder). I tried not to take it too personally.
In researching the topic I have spoken to some very interesting people (and yes found the perfect speaker for BritMums Live).
I also found the Net Addiction Center in the US (yes a center really exists). They define Internet Addiction as “any online-related, compulsive behavior which interferes with normal living and causes severe stress on family, friends, loved ones, and one’s work environment”.
Hmmm, “causes stress”. *Thinks back to snapping at hubby while trying to finish a work document online while kids are running in and out of my home “office”.*
But then I read on: “By any name, it is a compulsive behavior that completely dominates the addict’s life.”
*Nope. Not me*
There’s more: “Internet addicts make the Internet a priority more important than family, friends, and work. The Internet becomes the organizing principle of addicts’ lives. They are willing to sacrifice what they cherish most in order to preserve and continue their unhealthy behavior.”
*OK, I may snap sometime, but the Internet is not more important than family. At least in theory. :D*
But it is something I worry about. For heavens sake my job is based online. I can see how bloggers lean towards addiction. For one they spend an awful lot of time on the Internet (our research says 60 percent spend 2 – 5 hours daily). Why? Every email/tweet/facebook message could be a social or professional opportunity, offering a dose of dopamine as a reward. Dopamine can be hard to resist.
So what can you do about it? Like most addictions, treatment focuses on moderation and controlled use.
No wonder there is a rise of “unplug” movements in the US, including the National Day of Unplugging (unplug all devices from sunset to sunset on 1-2 March 2013.) There are also “Walden Zones“, which are technology-free spaces in your home.
My conclusion? I spend a lot of time online. But no, I’m, not addicted to the Internet. At least not yet.
So go on, try it yourself and find out if you are addicted to the Internet!
Types of honey | 12th Feb 13
Good point, Susana.. 🙂
Rubbish Clearance London | 9th Feb 13
I need to try this one! I’m always on the net 24/7 exploring everything!
Rachael | 7th Feb 13
I’m average! Thought so. I still spend way more time online than I’d like but that’s part of being a writer really, we can’t get away from it. Thanks for the post, it’s reminded me that I could probably do with a week or so offline again soon. My family will thank me for it!
Claire Stewart | 5th Feb 13
I very recently just started my own blog, and I have to be honest the words ‘STEP AWAY FROM THE COMPUTER’ do ring loud in my head at times. It’s literally like a portal that sucks you in and then spits you back in the dead of the night, not always good when you’ve got a baby boy who will be up only a few hours later. On an up note I stumble across fab blogs like yours, on a down note the bags under my eyes keep getting bigger and bigger!
Mum Childpatch | 4th Feb 13
I’m not sure anybody in our house could survive an unplugged day. There is so much stored on these things, my diary is electronic and has everybody else’s appointments on there too, we use an app for the tv guide, ipods for music, books are electronic, we are big techy and web users. I say embrace and enjoy the addiction. Our rule is no tech at the table, a meal time is when you have to talk to each other!
Diane | 2nd Feb 13
I decided to take a break recently for that very reason! I know I am not addicted (much) but I do find myself on late into the evening reading blogs! Then again I still believe it is better than spending it in front of the TV.
Claire | 30th Jan 13
I don’t think my boss would go for an unplugged day, I’m a bit nervous about taking the test though!
Amanda Kennedy | 28th Jan 13
Surprisingly I only scored 38 – most of my work revolves around being online, so I suppose my family and I are all used to it (none of us really considered it a problem). Honestly though, I thought I’d score much higher!
Thanks for posting about this tool, I didn’t know it existed. Now to get my son and OH to take the test too….
Susanna | 27th Jan 13
I love your honesty! Good luck. x
Susanna | 27th Jan 13
It is hard when your job is connected to the Internet. You could be a work addict too. I’m going to try an unplugged day to see how it goes. x
Susanna | 27th Jan 13
Come one give it a go, you may be surprised…
Susanna | 27th Jan 13
yes, for now x
Susanna | 27th Jan 13
Woop-woop! You ar safe.
lisa | 26th Jan 13
Interesting! Luckily I only scored 33.
Caroline | 26th Jan 13
I scored 38 points, which I was quite surprised about. I definitely thought I’d score higher. Looks like we are safe for now 😉
Heather | 26th Jan 13
oh no, there’s a test? I don’t think I want to know. I’m not ready to own up to my addiction just yet.
Mieka Smiles | 26th Jan 13
I can tell you without tasking the test I’m a fully fledged Internet addict – although Google is my object of obsession…I would like to cut down but like you my job relies heavily on the Internet. An ‘unplugged’ day is a great idea but I don’t think I could mange it!
Laura Huggins | 26th Jan 13
I have an addiction too! Whilst I already knew I did, I thought I would take the test anyway!
I scored 71 which puts me in this category:
50 -79 points: You are experiencing occasional or frequent problems because of the Internet. You should consider their full impact on your life.