My first Christmas cake! (thanks #delia)

A big thanks to Waitrose and Delia! I used her Classic Christmas Cake prepared ingredient pack. Had long Twitter discussions with @englishmum and @homemademum regarding cooking times. Yes, my first one really did take four hours!

My first Christmas cake!


  1. Crystal Jigsaw | 29th Nov 10

    That looks incredibly delicious. I do like fruit cake but it doesn’t half play havoc with my heartburn!!
    Who needs to buy one when you can make one like that.
    CJ xx

  2. Knackered Mother | 25th Nov 10

    Do you know, I have been picking up that pack in Waitrose for weeks, then putting it back thinking ‘it will never work’. I’m going to put one in my trolley tomorrow morning. If mine doesn’t look like yours, I’m buying in.

  3. CherishedByMe | 25th Nov 10

    Mmmmm looks lovely, the trouble is I’d want to tuck in right away but you can’t! 😉
    I’ve never made one either, just decorated a few, been contemplating it though. Must get on with it if I’m going to.

  4. Suzanne | 25th Nov 10

    It looks scrummy – I love Christmas cake and a cuppa!

  5. Michelle | 25th Nov 10

    That actually looks quite fabulous, well done! And I dont even like Christmas cake. Although my husband did introduce me to the idea of slicing it up and frying it in butter. That was divine. My thighs hated it though.
    Happy Thanksgiving!! x

  6. Honest Mum | 25th Nov 10

    this looks delicious, well done you! Please check out my new mummy blog, the honest and funny musings of a filmmaker and first time mum. If you like it please subscribe
    Thanks in advance

  7. Antonella | 25th Nov 10

    Looks perfect, well done. Pity I don’t like Christmas cake or pudding. I’d rather stick to our Panettone or Pandoro….Ciao. A. PS. My Spa break is on 18th Dec. Yeah! I will report back. Many thanks again.

  8. Lisa | 24th Nov 10

    That is quite an accomplishment, congratulations! I don’t think I’ve ever tried Christmas cake, at least the traditional version. It sounds delish with all those dried fruits.

  9. nappyvalleygirl | 24th Nov 10

    Mmm, that looks perfect. Just like my Mum’s.
    Meanwhile, we’re getting ready to cook the Thanksgiving turkey….

  10. Expat Mum | 24th Nov 10

    Four hours? Four hours? Right well, that’s it. I’m not even going to think about it. Especially over here where the mere mention of a Christmas cake produces gales of laughter!!!

  11. Domestic goddesque | 24th Nov 10

    It looks perfect….and I’m seriously impressed with the iPhone post.

  12. Susanna | 24th Nov 10

    My baking cheerleading squad — LOVE IT!!

  13. Susanna | 24th Nov 10

    Thanks, I’m so proud of my baby!

  14. Susanna | 24th Nov 10

    It is! I forgot to mention that I took the photo and posted (via an app) on my iPhone!!! how cool is that?

  15. Hot Cross Mum | 24th Nov 10

    Are you absolutely sure that is your own photo Ms Scott?! Looks marvellous. Where’s the tacky decorations – we need to see the finished article in a few weeks please.

  16. English Mum | 24th Nov 10

    Wow. It looks absolutely fabulous (and love that your twitter cheerleading team are first to comment too) xx

  17. homemademummy | 24th Nov 10

    Bravo! Looks magnificent.

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