You MUST go out and get the October issue of SHE magazine. There's a big fat photo of this blog on page 69. Really. I gave them a photo of myself but apparently it was rejected, they thought the blog looked better. The article also listed BMB and CyberMummy partner as a must read, along with,, and! Go mums! (and Ian). Thanks to Suzanne at Skybluesea for flagging this for me
Metropolitan Mum | 25th Sep 10
This must be such a cool feeling
Suzanne | 24th Sep 10
Fab article and you are welcome.
Joining BMB and writing my blog have had a huge impact on me. It’s an amazing community and there are mums out there who are really making a difference, mums that write so beautifully, mums that make me laugh loud, mums that tell it like it is… I could go on!
I am proud to carry the BMB badge. Well done you x
BECKICKLESIE | 24th Sep 10
Wow! ‘Citing – I’ll get my Dad to pick a copy up for me tomorrow.
I’m sure you’re just as beautiful as your blog Susanna! Although your blog is fiiiiine!
Becca x
Sandy Calico | 23rd Sep 10
Go mummy bloggers. I’m still in shock at being next to Dooce!
EmmaK | 23rd Sep 10
Wonderful job! I can actually get SHE here I will go buy a copy!!
Expat Mum | 23rd Sep 10
Oh poo! I don’t think I can get one here. Will check out their web site.
Dulwich Divorcee | 23rd Sep 10
Great stuff!
Emma | 23rd Sep 10
Yay! Well done guys!!!